September 2008 - Stay N Alive

Facebook Applications See Success On the New Platform

Regardless of any complaints from developers surrounding the new Facebook platform redesign, many developers are seeing success. Looking at various statistics from sites such as Adonomics and the Facebook Developers Forum, it appears that those apps that are truly integrating the new Integration points that the Facebook Platform provides are truly seeing success with it. […]


Going to BlogWorld Expo!

I’ll be at BlogWorld Expo over the coming weekend starting tomorrow morning covering the event and hopefully sharing some of the highlights I think are innovative and interesting for you. Stay tuned here and I’ll share what I can. Some things I’m looking for: Microblogging, Lifestreaming, and the evolution of blogging and new trends towards […]


A Little More Information Regarding Beacon…

After posting my article yesterday, the beacon controversy seems to have come back with a vengence, with articles by Mashable, TechCrunch, and even Valleywag (I’m actually not much of a Fantasy Football Enthusiast, but they can certainly call me one), to name a few. Today I received communication from Facebook clarifying where Facebook stands on […]


Beacon Makes a Comeback, With More Choices and Options

UPDATE: A Facebook Representative has clarified this a little further by saying Facebook Beacon is actually a free product. Per their statement, “We don’t charge developers, users or sites for Beacon or Connect use. Neither product is at all associated with advertising — no participating sites pay nor are they required to be advertisers.” I […]


The Feature FriendFeed Must Have to Go Mainstream

What is the one feature FriendFeed must have to go mainstream? E-mail. FriendFeed must have some sort of notification when someone comments on anything you post. Obviously, this should be a feature you can turn off, but people will continue to think FriendFeed is too complicated until this is in place. Facebook has this currently […]