March 2012 – Stay N Alive

Wanna Learn Facebook Development? Check Out My New Video Series

Facebook application development isn’t just a skill, and it’s not just for developers either – it’s a mindset and a culture that you have to understand to truly understand and implement its value. It’s something both marketers, business owners, as well as developers should understand to fully have a grasp against the competition in this increasingly social world. That’s why I jumped at the chance to work with the popular online learning site, Pluralsight, to do a new series on Facebook application development. My first video went live yesterday, and I hope will be the first in a line of videos you can use to hone your skills both as a marketer and developer to take advantage of the most of Facebook Platform.

In my first course, you’ll learn why Facebook is such a valuable tool to integrate with your business or marketing strategy. I’ll show you example apps that have seen success on the Platform, and then take you through, step-by-step, on how you can set up a custom Facebook Page tab on Facebook without any HTML knowledge necessary to get started. You’ll end understanding the different integration points you can use to build an app, or just integrate Facebook into your existing website or app design. I teach you social design philosophy and the different touch points you should understand no matter what your skill set.

Whether you’re a marketer, a developer, or business owner I think you’ll enjoy this course. I think you’ll be surprised with what you’re able to accomplish by the end, and what your understanding will become when you’re finished. If you’ve ever wanted to get your hands dirty with what you can fully do on Facebook, this is a course you can’t neglect, regardless of your skill set.

The course is part of Pluralsight’s learning platform, and I hope will be one of many future courses you can learn from on these topics. It also joins Facebook’s own Yasser Shohoud’s Facebook Platform Overview that serves as a great primer for where my course will take you.

When I considered this I thought about just doing my own video series and charging monthly for access to those. I would have likely charged around $100-200 for access to that for it to be worth it to me. I realized though, that by partnering with Pluralsight, you could get my content, as well as hundreds of other courses from other experts that are top at their game. Instead of $200 for one-time access to my videos, you can pay as little as $29 per month (you cancel whenever you like) or $299 per year and get unlimited access to mine and anyone else’s  courses on their platform. To me I think it’s a great deal.

With this course you’ll get:

  • Material for all types to understand – marketers, business owners, and developers
  • Step-by-step videos taking you through the entire process, which you can step away from at any time.
  • Assessment to test your knowledge at the end of the course and grade you on your understanding of the topics covered
  • Knowledge of why you should understand Facebook Platform
  • Step-by-step tutorials on how to build custom Facebook tabs
  • Hands-on videos giving you the basics of Facebook’s developer platform, allowing all to understand all they need to get started
  • Access to all future courses on Facebook by me and others.
If you want to understand Facebook in a way your competitors don’t, go register for my Facebook development course today! The tips I cover are things not many in the industry know, and you’ll have the upper-hand in your industry.
To register, just click here and follow the instructions. Then go over here to my course’s Facebook Application Development page to get started in knowing what your competitors don’t!
For the first 20 commenters that ask below I’ll give a code for a free unlimited 7 day trial to try the service and take my course.

Still Think Facebook’s Not Threatened by Google+? Facebook Now Supports "+" Tagging

As a Google+ user (Author of Google+ For Dummies), and also avid Facebook user (Author of Facebook Application Development For Dummies), I often find myself getting my keys mixed up going back and forth from Google+ to Facebook. This is particularly frustrating for tagging friends. When Google+ launched, I found myself constantly putting in the “+” button to tag friends on Facebook, only to realize Facebook’s form of tagging was the “@” symbol. It appears some time in the recent past Facebook has now adopted the “+” (plus) sign to allow tagging in status updates.

From the start, Google+ supported both formats. This is no surprise, as Google+ had the most to gain from trying to adopt users that were used to Facebook’s tagging format. At the same time, the “+” sign added a level of branding to the Google+ experience making it unique to Google+.

It would seem that some Facebook employees are also enjoying Google+ perhaps a little too much, because someone likely got annoyed enough (or maybe their user testing showed they had a problem) to where they felt the need to support the “+” symbol as well when tagging your friends on Facebook. Now, to tag your friends on Facebook, you can either tag them by starting to type with the “@” symbol followed by their name, or starting with the “+” sign followed by their name.

I think it was awfully nice of Facebook to think of us Google+ users as they integrated this. I wonder how long this has been happening. I only realized it after doing it a few times and not even realizing I was doing it. I always argue Facebook and Google aren’t competitors – that would be nice if Facebook’s just being nice for this reason. However, I have a feeling Facebook is seeing some pressure from the other Google+ users using Facebook and running into the same issue.

Either way, I’m happy to not have to think twice now whenever I use that “+” sign to tag my friends.

Google+ Marketing For Dummies: My New Book!

Today I mailed in the contract for my new book, Google+ Marketing For Dummies. This will be my 5th book and 3rd in the “For Dummies” series by my publisher Wiley. It also marks my second book for Google+, among 3 other books for Facebook.

You may have seen articles recently, fueled by Wall Street Journal, suggesting Google+ traffic is dwindling. As a result you may be asking yourself, “Why is he writing another book for Google+ if it has no traffic?” The truth is, I wouldn’t be writing this book if I didn’t see such potential for Google+. After articles like Wall Street Journal’s, I realized there is clearly a lack of education out there on the value Google+ provides for both consumers and marketers. I’m writing this because of articles like that, and I hope I can convince you of the best secret on the internet right now.

In preliminary tests, engagement is already proving to be a higher-weighted factor now in Google search results. Articles outside, and posts on Google+ are showing to weigh very heavily above even recency of articles in search results on Google. We also see this with Google now integrating Google+ results into Google search results. This is just the tip of the Iceberg. For that reason alone, marketers need to be giving Google+ another look. Google+ is not just about traffic to, but even more about how you rank and appear in other Google products. As I have always said, the future of Google+ is just Google.

Google+ Marketing For Dummies will make a very nice companion to my first Google+ book, Google+ For Dummies, Portable Edition. The first targets consumers and shows them how to get used to the social network, see results and value, and how to make the most of the service as a user. Google+ Marketing For Dummies will then take you, as a Marketer, Brand Manager, or Business Owner, to learn what matters most: how to use Google+ to generate more awareness for your brand, generate new leads, and in turn convert those new users into customers. In fact, you may want to offer the first book to your customers, and use the second book to learn how to market to those customers.

I’ll begin writing in the next week, and should have the final manuscript submitted by middle of this year. If all goes well you should see this in print by late summer or Fall. This book will be a welcome addition to your arsenal of books to further your edge against the competition. I’m very excited to get this book out the door as quick as possible so you can learn what Wall Street Journal doesn’t.

As a Teaser, here are the currently planned Chapter names (these, of course, are subject to change) – see anything I’m missing?:

  • Chapter 1: Getting Started With Google+
  • Chapter 2: Understanding Google+: The “Plus”
  • Chapter 3: Understanding Google+: The “Google”
  • Chapter 4: Integrating Google+ Into Your Existing Social Media Strategy
  • Chapter 5: Learning Your Audience on Google+
  • Chapter 6: Building a Google+ Presence
  • Chapter 7: Building a Search Strategy Using Google+
  • Chapter 8: Focusing on Real People and Relationships
  • Chapter 9: Utilizing Hangouts to Share Your Brand
  • Chapter 10: Advertising on Google With Social Ads
  • Chapter 11: Building Relationships Through Google CRM
  • Chapter 12: Building Website Authority Through Google+
  • Chapter 13: Measuring Google+ Activity
  • Chapter 14: Building Apps on Google+
  • Chapter 15: 10 Ways You Can Add Value to Your Website Using Google+
  • Chapter 16: 10 Examples of Good Google+ Business Practice
  • Chapter 17: 10 Tips For Small Businesses Using Google+
I’ll keep you updated on Google+, Facebook, and the Google+ Page for Google+ For Dummies. Or, keep searching for it on Google or Amazon.