Facebook Kills Connect, Makes App Creation Easier, Simpler
As I’ve been writing Facebook Application Development for Dummies (now available on Amazon for pre-order!), there has been one thing I have been noticing: Despite all the new focus on Facebook’s Graph API, Facebook has still had a lot of conflicting focus on their old, more complicated, Connect APIs, making it a fun thing to […]
Read more...Twitter Testing "OAuth Delegation" With Select Partners – Genius
A common complaint amongst Twitter developers has been that Twitter’s OAuth, the authentication process you see when you click the Twitter login button on a 3rd party website and go to a Twitter-looking page with a “Allow” or “Deny” button, is too complicated. Mainly, from a user experience perspective, users are required to leave the […]
Read more...Just in Time for the Holidays, FriendFeed Becomes First OAuth Wrap Provider
About a month ago, Facebook’s David Recordon announced that Facebook was hard at work with the Open Standards Communities on a new OAuth protocol called Wrap. The goals of the protocol seem to specifically provide a way to direct a user through the authentication process through a client-only model, removing the need for developers to […]
Read more...Oh, the Trouble With OAuth
This article has been sitting on my desk for the past week or so, and recent activities around the Twitter/Facebook/LiveJournal/Blogger DDoS attacks have made it even more applicable, so it’s good I waited. The problem centers around the “Open” authentication protocol, OAuth, and how I believe it is keeping companies like Twitter who want to […]
Read more...FriendFeed Opens Up the Firehose to Developers
FriendFeed seems to be staying one (or two or three) step(s) ahead of Twitter in everything they do. Today FriendFeed released their real-time stream of data in beta to any and all developers wishing to write applications. Unlike Twitter, there is no application necessary, no NDA to sign, and all is controlled by simple OAuth. […]
Read more...Social Coding: How to Code Twitter’s OAuth Using Net::OAuth and Perl
For the non-developers in my readership, I’m going to get a little geeky on you here. So you can either tune this one out, or pass it onto your IT staff for use in their applications. I promise much more on the “Social” side here shortly. Or, maybe you’ll learn a little Perl. For those […]