Mobile, Tablets, and the Need for an Extended E-Reading Experience
Imagine buying a book from the book store and only being allowed to use a yellow highlighter to highlight that book and not being able to add any notes as you read it. Seems pretty ridiculous, doesn’t it? Yet we’re forced into that with today’s default readers on devices such as the iPhone and iPad, […]
Read more...The Kindle Technology Will Be Disposable in The Future
Today the buzz of the tech blogosphere has been the coming launch of a new, bigger and thinner Kindle which will target newspapers in a way some are claiming will save the dying industry. MG Siegler is calling it a hail-mary, last-ditch pass that will most likely fail. Dave Winer and Robert Scoble think otherwise, […]
Read more...I’m On Facebook–Now What??? Now Available for the Kindle – Get Your Copy Today!
Recently when Amazon made their Kindle software available for the iPhone I told Jason and our Publisher Mitchell at HappyAbout that it was time we get our copy in the already strong database of books the Amazon Kindle Store provides. Now, not only would you not have to buy a Kindle to read our book […]