November 2012 - Stay N Alive

Help Me Sell My New Book – Get Free Stuff!

Who wants to help me promote Google+ Marketing For Dummies? I need volunteers to share my new book, now available on Amazon ( in the best way they are able. This can be through an ad that stays on your blog for a month, a mention to your audience as many times as possible over […]


Moving Forward From My "Mormon Moment"

As some of you may be aware, I have spent the last, almost 3 years, helping to grow Social Media in what some have perceived as very much a pioneering role for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Consulting for them for years before, I started just over a year after Barack Obama […]


Microsoft is Finally Achieving What it Set Out to Do With Passport – the Key is Consistency

Back in the year 2000, before “the cloud” was even a marketing term, Microsoft launched a product known as “Passport”, a product touted to be the end-all-be-all of identity services that developers could integrate into their products for identity and storage of personal information. I remember because I was a developer at that time and I recall looking […]