You’ll Always Hear it First on Google+
I’m starting a new experiment. From now on every post I make to will originate on Google+. This goes in line with my earlier post where I suggested that the Blogging landscape is significantly changing, and the blogs that want to survive will need to embrace social means of publishing and discovery. You’ll recognize this […]
Read more...How to Replace Your RSS Feed Automatically With Facebook’s Like Button
As I seek to make this blog more and more a part of the social networks you participate in (I call this “From Fishers to Farmers” – something I speak about in my talks), I’ll be documenting my progress along the way. I just showed how I’m doing this with Facebook’s Frictionless Sharing on this blog […]
Read more...My Official (and Obligatory) "Traditional Blogging is Dead" Post
I fought it – I even ridiculed people like +Paul Allen for moving towards it (for that I apologize). However, I think I’m whooped. My page views are down. Comments and engagement on the blog itself are lower than ever. Looking over other blogs I manage, some with even more frequent content than my own, I’m seeing […]
Read more...Paying it Forward
Based on my last post I know you commenters and readers are out there. My last post was all about me. This post is, quite sincerely, about you and I hope I can see the same response from my commenters as I did that last article – I really mean that. The Blogess recently wrote […]
Read more...With the New Design, Twitter Kills RSS, Literally
The blogosphere is abuzz lately about the latest trend: “RSS is Dead,” everyone says. Other blogs say “RSS isn’t dead.” (of which side I tend to agree with). The debate lies with the fact that more and more people are starting to use Twitter, Twitter lists, Facebook, and other social means to just get the […]
Read more...Nobody Has a Million Blog Subscribers
A recent blog post by Anil Dash has everyone talking about what I thought was a long-assumed fact that just because someone is on the Twitter Suggested User List (or SUL) and has a million followers doesn’t necessarily mean they actually have all of those followers listening to them. Dash, who recently had the opportunity […]
Read more...This post was posted at Exactly 9:36pm MST
Okay, not exactly my shortest post ever, but this post is to demonstrate that posting to your blog is just as real-time, if not more, than Twitter.
Read more...SocialToo Has a Blog!
Some of you may have noticed from my Tweets and FriendFeed posts, but I just wanted to notify others here as well. now has its own blog, and I’ll be doing more SocialToo-related posts there now. I still may re-share a few announcements here, but most SocialToo-related posts will now go over there. Be […]