I’ve been invited to do 2 WebCasts in the next 2 weeks that I think you might be interested in. As always I’ll try to post my slides on SlideShare if it makes sense to do so. I really like an interactive presentation so most of the time my slides don’t make sense.
The first is for the Marketers in the Audience. It’s about gaining Business value from Facebook, and I’ll discuss how to give your business legs using the Social Network. I’ll cover how to create an effective Facebook Page for your business, when and how to use your personal Facebook Profile for networking, do’s and don’ts on the network, advertising, the tools you need, and more. That Webinar is hosted by Marketing Coalition, and is $149 per individual, and $129 per individuals in groups of at least 3. You can register here. The Webinar takes place on Thursday at 1:30PM EST.
The second WebCast is free, and hosted by Safari Books Online. It will target developers new to Facebook development, and in it I’ll cover the basics of what you need to get started in Facebook Development. We did this last year and I think everyone really enjoyed it that attended. The first people that register get a free Autographed copy of my book, FBML Essentials, and everyone else gets a free 45-day account on Safari Books Online to read FBML Essentials. Did I mention how much I love O’Reilly? You can register here. My slides from the last one of these I did are up on SlideShare.
There will be a Q&A after each session, so come with your questions and I’ll do my best to answer!