July 2010 - Stay N Alive

Buzz Opens the Firehose With New API Features

Just a few minutes ago, on his Buzz update stream, Google employee DeWitt Clinton announced that Google had opened up their real-time stream of information for Buzz. Now, any application can access, in real-time, all updates across the entire service as they come through. This incredible stream of information will serve useful to Data warehousing […]


To Whom Much is Given, Much is Required

Just the other day a kind Single mother was nice enough to share a story with me about how, as a newly Single mother, one of my books had helped her get off the ground and start her own business.  It’s something I never thought of before, and I admit, I was very touched (and […]


Name a Better Phone

Let’s put all partialities aside. Currently, I own an iPhone, an Evo (which I’m borrowing through work for testing), and a Pre (my work phone).  I have been a Windows user most of my life, and spent 2 or 3 years with Linux on my desktop.  In the PDA days I ran a Palm Pilot, […]