The Emergence of "Spam 2.0"
My recent blog post on the possible “Facebook Worm” seems to be making an effect in security circles. Within 24 hours I quickly got this e-mail from Zango making sure their name was not associated with it: Hello Jesse, I am writing to you about the above entitled post. I first want to clarify that […]
Read more...Free T-Shirts, Fudruckers at Utah OpenSocial Hackathon
I just wanted to briefly mention that I now have 30 OpenSocial T-Shirts from Google for the Utah side of the West Coast Open Social Hackathon tomorrow night. Also, in addition to that, I hear Bungee Labs will be providing Fudruckers to eat at the event, along with Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Halo 3, and […]
Read more...Yahoo Joins OpenSocial, Google Announces OpenSocial Foundation
Today Yahoo announced that they are joining forces with the OpenSocial platform, and will be joining both Google and MySpace to build “The OpenSocial Foundation”. This new foundation “will seek to ensure that the technology behind OpenSocial remains implementable by all, freely and without restriction, in perpetuity.” It is modeled after the current industry-supported OpenID […]
Read more...Are We Seeing the First Facebook "Worm"?
Today I received some interesting wall posts that claimed to be from my Aunt. The first looked like the following: hey do me a favor and try the new crush calculator, don’t worry its not some annoying facebook application that makes you invite all your friends, the crush calc works with your mobile phone and […]
Read more...Well Done Guy! Chris DeVore is a Cheapskate
I just caught this article from Mashable and I just had to pipe in. In the article, Mashable’s Kristen Nicole claims Guy Kawasaki paid too much for the development of AllTop, at $10,000. They compare it to, claiming Chris DeVore only paid $7500 for the development of Askablogr, with its rich feature-set. I was […]
Read more...Announcing the First West Coast OpenSocial Hackathon
After meeting up with Bess Ho, founder of the Silicon Valley Web Builders and Facebook Developers Garage, we decided a joint hackathon, focusing on OpenSocial would be a great opportunity for both of our groups. So I’m proud to announce that next week, March 26, from 8pm MST to 1am MST the Utah Social Media […]
Read more...Facebook Getting the Vote Out – but is it Good for Developers?
You’re seeing it here first folks – this morning Facebook announced a new tag on its wiki called . I imagine an announcement from Facebook will come soon on their purposes for this. From the wiki, : Displays a Rock the Vote widget inline in your application. The text inside the tags is formatted as […]
Read more...It’s a Boy! The first full, live Twitter Birth
It’s a Boy! Yes, we gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy last night, March 19th, 2008, at 3:24am. He was 6lbs 4oz, at 19″. We’re still figuring out a name – it’s now between “Jesse III” (after my grandfather, continuing his legacy), “Joshua Timothy”, and “Joshua Gregory” (my Dad’s name is Gregory). We […]
Read more...Facebook Works to Reduce Spam Further With "Feed Forms"
Today, a new way of posting to the News Feed in Facebook appeared on the Facebook Developer’s wiki. Facebook introduced “Feed Forms”. To use a Feed form, you simply create a regular form as you would any other form, but add a special “fbtype” attribute to the form. The only documented value listed thus far […]
Read more...Twitter Looking Internally to Add Groups Functionality?
Today, on the Twitter developer’s mailing list, in response to the question: “it would be cool to have Twitter groups so you could @group and d group” It was answered by one of Twitter’s Engineers: ” This is on our radar, and third party developers have already doneseveral different implementations of this feature.” This is […]