There’s More Than One Way to Store a Password – PerlMonks Hacked
Hackers are in a state of Nirvana as it would appear they hit the gold mine of programmer passwords in a hack of the popular Perl forums and resource site, yesterday. The hack claims to have gained access to the database of more than 50,000 passwords, which insanely were stored in plain text in […]
Read more...Hey Utah, You Have a Tech PR Problem
Those like myself that live in Utah know there is a thriving tech startup community here. From early startups like Omniture, Freeservers, and Wordperfect, to newer ventures like SocialToo, TweetBeep,, FusionIO, i.TV (previously number 1 in the iTunes app store), and FamilyLink (the makers of the Facebook App, We’re Related, one of the top […]
Read more...FriendFeed Opens Up the Firehose to Developers
FriendFeed seems to be staying one (or two or three) step(s) ahead of Twitter in everything they do. Today FriendFeed released their real-time stream of data in beta to any and all developers wishing to write applications. Unlike Twitter, there is no application necessary, no NDA to sign, and all is controlled by simple OAuth. […]
Read more...With No Notice, Twitter Adds More Limits – Password Trouble Ensues
Twitter is up to their old antics of adding limits again, changing the API, and not telling developers as they do so. This morning Twitter released into production new limits around their verify_credentials() method in the API, only allowing users to verify their usernames and passwords through Twitter applications 15 times per hour. The problem […]
Read more...Twitter Looking to Raise the Dead With Previous Tweets
One of the biggest complaints about Twitter is that it is only a “present-tense” service. To pull up a previous conversation or post, I either have to have favorited it, or it has to have been in the previous 3200 Tweets of a user. Anything beyond that disappears forever, or so it would seem. Twitter […]
Read more...Internet Everywhere – It Starts With Your Startup
As I type this I’m driving in I-90 East through somewhere near Madison, Wisconsin (I’m in the passenger seat), finally able to access the internet for the first time in 2 days. We started our trip in Salt Lake City, Utah where I live and have since driven through most of Wyoming, South Dakota and […]