London Earthquake and Twitter
As I was blogging about emergencies yesterday, I saw an amazing thing happen today. I mentioned I am tracking the term, “earthquake” on Twitter. This evening I started receiving a large influx of Twitters on my cellphone, almost non-stop that an earthquake had hit London. It was almost immediate, and turning to the news revealed […]
Read more...OpenSocial Launch to be delayed "a few weeks"
I’ve blogged over at that Orkut is delaying their launch to the public for a few weeks. Read more about it here:
Read more...Announcing – OpenSocial News and Reviews
I’m proud to announce a new website I’ve been working on. You may have heard me Twitter about it a few times. The site is called OpensocialNow!, and will be your source for OpenSocial News, Reviews, and info. We’ll cover the Orkut launch, the Myspace launch, Hi5, and LinkedIn, as well as general things you […]
Read more...Twitter as a Tool for Disasters and Emergencies
First, let me start by apologizing for the silence. I kind of went dark over the weekend for an all-weekend binge to finish a project developing a Facebook app for a very large client. I’m actually quite pleased with what we were able to accomplish in just a matter of 2 days! (and no sleep, […]
Read more...Orkut to Launch First OpenSocial Public Release February 27
A little birdie actually told this to me earlier, and I was going to blog about it tomorrow, but Orkut just confirmed it on their new developers blog. Orkut is looking to officially launch OpenSocial to the Public in one week – Wednesday, February 27. Orkut is looking to release the final version of OpenSocial […]
Read more...OpenSocial is Solidifying the Days of the Rich Web App
Gone are the days of the traditional website, and in are the days of the Rich Web Application. OpenSocial is introducing a new era of development on the web. All OpenSocial containers at the moment give you one page, and one only (with the exception of the profile, or other “surfaces”) to write your entire […]
Read more...Jesse Stay is Now an OpenSocial Developer and Consultant! – My Orkut Hackathon Experience
The past 2 days I had the opportunity to join the Google OpenSocial developer team, along with other Silicon Valley and nationwide developers to celebrate the soon-to-be launched Orkut release to the public of OpenSocial apps at the Googleplex in San Francisco. The event started with an overview of OpenSocial, and went over some of […]
Read more...My Tour of the Googleplex
Today I got to knock off another one of those “bucket list” items of things to do before I die. Today I got to tour the Google campus as I attended the final Google OpenSocial Hackathon before it goes live at the end of this month. I truly learned the creativity of Google as I […]
Read more...Amazon, the Social Network?
Did you know Amazon has a Social Network? In fact, it’s pretty robust! In Amazon, if you click “(your name)’s Amazon”, then “Your Profile”, you have the option to set up a profile, including a biography, information about yourself, and get this – a list of all your friends currently on It can show […]
Read more...The Power of the Small Community
It used to be, one could make a deal on just a handshake. People could leave their doors unlocked on their homes and their cars without worry of break in. A man’s word was his bond. Everyone knew everyone, by name. This wasn’t the world I grew up in, but I’m told by my Grandparents, […]