comments Archives - Stay N Alive

One More Thing…

In addition to the Twitter Bowl results today, we also launched the ability to comment on SocialToo SocialSurveys over on the SocialToo blog today. Similar to the way TwitPic comments work, this means your followers can now comment on each of your SocialToo SocialSurveys right on the survey itself, and have their response go out […]


The Feature FriendFeed Must Have to Go Mainstream

What is the one feature FriendFeed must have to go mainstream? E-mail. FriendFeed must have some sort of notification when someone comments on anything you post. Obviously, this should be a feature you can turn off, but people will continue to think FriendFeed is too complicated until this is in place. Facebook has this currently […]


I’m Listening to Your Comments, I Promise!

I just realized I was missing about a week’s worth of comments from this blog. It looks like Google Reader at some point stopped tracking the comments (which is how I knew you were commenting), and I missed a few great ones, including one from BJ Fogg, whom I look up to. My apologies if […]