comments – Stay N Alive

We’ve come a long way – Disqus is Now as big as Youtube

It seems like just yesterday that Robert Scoble invited me to go with him to visit Disqus Headquarters with their founders Daniel Ha and Jason Yan out at their new offices in San Francisco. They had recently launched their new commenting platform for blogs the year before, and wanted some exposure from the Scobleizer himself (see the interview in 2008 here and here, where I’m in the background – filmed on Qik – remember that?). Just today, Disqus announced 1 billion monthly unique visitors — yes, that’s as big as Youtube!

While other bloggers are calling for the death of RSS, this puts a big dagger right in the heart in any of those claims, with Disqus seemingly at the heart of most blogs these days (and powering the comments on this blog as well). While there are certainly religious wars between the WordPresses and Bloggers and Tumblrs out there, Disqus has managed to remain an unbiased layer that crosses all of these properties. I think if this statistic is real (and knowing Daniel and Jason I believe them), blogging certainly isn’t dead!

If Facebook is the largest social network in the world with 1 billion+ active users (is that the same as monthly uniques?), and Youtube is the second, I’m pretty sure Disqus can claim to be the 3rd (or are they the 2nd, beating Youtube?). The cool thing about Disqus is they’re a social network of blogs and blog readers. In many ways they’ve become a glue that binds together blogs across the web with actual people and conversations between those people.

Disqus certainly has competitors such as Janrain and Gigya at least in terms of the commenting space, but I don’t see these claims coming out of those camps. If there’s a winner in the blog-commenting category Disqus is it. Congratulations to my friends Daniel and Jason in this amazing accomplishment! I’m really surprised more of the big tech blogs aren’t covering this.

Let’s celebrate this by clicking through the link where you’re reading this and commenting via Disqus below!:

One More Thing…

In addition to the Twitter Bowl results today, we also launched the ability to comment on SocialToo SocialSurveys over on the SocialToo blog today. Similar to the way TwitPic comments work, this means your followers can now comment on each of your SocialToo SocialSurveys right on the survey itself, and have their response go out to their Twitter followers as well, guaranteeing even more exposure for your SocialSurveys. This is just one of many updates we’ll be rolling out over the coming weeks. Try it out and let me know what you think!

WordPress and Intense-Debate Take First Steps Towards Integration


A few of the Automattic developers are announcing a new beta program for blogs in which blog owners can enable Intense-debate and Disqus-style e-mail replies to comments on a blog (this blog uses Disqus comments). Such an announcement comes on the heels of Automattic’s purchase of Intense-debate, and according to Joseph Scott (one of the developers), the feature was actually co-written by one of the Intense-debate developers, Jon Fox.

According to the various posts, soon users will be able to comment on blogs, and when they comment, the blog owner will receive notice of the comment via e-mail. The blog owner can then respond straight from the e-mail without having to go back to the website to comment.

This integration seems to be just the first step of Automattic integrating with Intense-Debate. Other competitors that provide similar offerings are Disqus, and JS-Kit. Disqus doesn’t seem to be worried however, claiming that only 5% of Disqus blogs are based on WordPress (I personally, am a big fan of Disqus). Such a unified effort should worry the competitors however – where so many blog owners are now seamlessly integrated into a hosted commenting solution, every reader of those blogs will now also be required to integrate. It will be interesting to see what the response from the competition will be.

The beta is for users only. No word on if self-hosted blogs such as Stay N’ Alive will be provided an update.

The Feature FriendFeed Must Have to Go Mainstream

friendfeed_logo.jpgWhat is the one feature FriendFeed must have to go mainstream? E-mail. FriendFeed must have some sort of notification when someone comments on anything you post. Obviously, this should be a feature you can turn off, but people will continue to think FriendFeed is too complicated until this is in place.

Facebook has this currently – any time someone comments on a status update or anything I post, I get an e-mail from Facebook with the comment right in the e-mail, giving me the option to respond on Facebook. FriendFeed already does this, sort of, if you haven’t been on the service for awhile. However, there is no way to get an e-mail on every comment sent for certain posts. People are used to this, and as long as you can turn it off, it will not be construed as spam. If FriendFeed is to compete, they must support e-mail, on every post you send to the service.

I’m Listening to Your Comments, I Promise!

I just realized I was missing about a week’s worth of comments from this blog. It looks like Google Reader at some point stopped tracking the comments (which is how I knew you were commenting), and I missed a few great ones, including one from BJ Fogg, whom I look up to. My apologies if it has taken awhile for me to respond to your comments.

If you want to track any of the comments feeds for any particular article, simply view the article, and append, “/feed” to the end and add it to your favorite RSS Reader. It will then send you updates of all comments for that article. Or, you can just click the checkbox next to, “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail” below the Captcha and it will e-mail you updates.

My apologies if I have not responded very quickly lately – that should be fixed now.