Looking for a Facebook Internationalization WordPress Plugin
As I’m writing my book, I’ve come to realize that a good portion of you that visit here speak another language. In fact, Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian), Facebook’s 2nd largest market (Indonesia, with over 200 million population), just so happens to have a high ranking in the readers of this blog as well, at least amongst […]
Read more...New FBFoundations Features and Updates
You asked for it, you got it. My FBFoundations WordPress plugin for Facebook Connect was built to provide you the basic building blocks to create your own Facebook Connect-compatible blog. The idea being you add the foundations, and then plugin developers can add their own compatible plugins on top of that with little to no […]
Read more...Prologue – OpenSocial for Twitter
Just today, Matt Mullenweg, founding developer and owner of Automattic, announced a new, open source, theme for WordPress called Prologue. The theme essentially turns your blog into a “mini-Twitter”, with a “Whatcha up to?” text box at the top where your users can post what they are currently doing. This is an excellent way to […]