gay Archives - Stay N Alive

Finally, a Tactful Anti-Prop 8 Video!

With all the attacks against Mormons and other groups, I have been wondering why anyone could be against Prop 8 and support the people behind the no campaign – I was actually somewhat a supporter of the anti-Prop 8 campaign until my faith began to be attacked for supposedly not allowing me to support what […]



[swfobj width=”400″ height=”300″ src=”″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always”]Salt Lake City No on Prop 8 Rally from Reid on Vimeo. I came across this video tonight after a protest they called a “hate rally” in downtown Salt Lake in front of the headquarters of my Church. You can see the temple, one of the places we worship, […]


Proposition 8 – It’s Not Exactly Cut and Dry

I’ve been standing back for awhile listening to the various sides in the blogosphere on Proposition 8 in California. The proposition is in response to a Judge overturning proposition 22, a law which attempted to define marriage being between a man and a woman. The Judge declared the law unconstitutional, making Gay marriage legal in […]