I am looking for examples of companies and developers actually having success in the new Facebook design. If your app, or the app of someone you know on the Facebook platform is having proven results as a result of the new Facebook design, or if your traffic has not decreased from it, I want to hear from you. Those that respond have the chance of being featured here or as a guest post on LouisGray.com. Please feel free to share in the comments or send me an e-mail at [email protected] with your stories. I want to hear from you! (And, please share this with others you may think would be in the know – this is a great opportunity for some exposure for your Facebook app!)
Is Your Company Having Success on the New Facebook Design?
12 responses to “Is Your Company Having Success on the New Facebook Design?”
[…] not seeing any new game changing evolution in social media this year. What’s new is the new Facebook, the more stabilized Twitter, and the solidification of top bloggers as […]
I completely agree
I recently discovered this blog. I've had a similiar idea to your rewriting the ten commandments for some time now.
Thanks for the great tips.
Good post.
Thanks for the great tips.
Что-то футер у вас вправо съехал (в опере при разрешении 1024х768)
Так без недостатков достоинства не так заметны
Опять таки побочная проблема) Врят ли она кому то мешает, мне например как то пофиг
Опять таки побочная проблема) Врят ли она кому то мешает, мне например как то пофиг
I recently discovered this blog. I've had a similiar idea to your rewriting the ten commandments for some time now.
[…] not seeing any new game changing evolution in social media this year. What’s new is the new Facebook, the more stabilized Twitter, and the solidification of top bloggers as […]
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