Stay N’ Alive – Stay N Alive

I’m Starting a Podcast – Come Join Me Tomorrow!

Stay N' Alive The Social GeekI’ve finally decided to bite the bullet and go forward with a dream I’ve had for awhile.  Monday (today), June 8, 2009 at 8:30PM MST I’ll be recording my first, yet-to-be-named podcast under the Stay N’ Alive Productions umbrella.  We’ll broadcast the recording live on Ustream on my SocialGeek channel at  You can chat during the broadcast in the StayNAlive room on FriendFeed (you are subscribed, right?), or via IRC or Twitter right on the Ustream site.  I’ve set up a thread just for this show on FriendFeed, and you can begin chat below (and witness the power of FriendFeed at the same time).

I am still working out the exact focus of the show, but the general direction will be learning about and discussing new and early-adopter technologies in the tech space.  Much of what you read from me here and on will be similar to what you can expect to hear in the PodCast.  The difference will be you get to see live examples, hear from experts other than myself, gather some great discussion, and witness the real-time web in action!  This will be a true real-time web experience, and should be fun to participate.

The guests for our first show are two good friends of mine, and very smart Geeks, the esteemed Louis Gray, author and Editor of, a blog for early adopters and very well known, especially in Silicon Valley.  Louis advises for my company, SocialToo, amongst several other up-and-coming web ventures.  He’s one of the smartest web technologists I know.  I’ve also extended him an open invitation to join us on any future show he would like to be a part of, so we’ll see if we get to see more of him.

Joining Louis, local Salt Lake City Anchor and Tech Reporter of Fox’s KSTU Channel 13 here, Kirk Yunke, will be bringing his enthusiasm for new gadgets and technology to the show.  Kirk is leaps and bounds ahead of many other News reporters I’ve come in contact with, and just the other day spent the night as the first in line to get a Palm Pre.  He’s going to share with us his opinion of the Pre, maybe show off a little, and hopefully we can get a little insight into the pros and cons of the device.

Tomorrow is the Apple WWDC Keynote, so we’ll spend the second half of the show discussing that and the things announced there, along with any other interesting things that have come up over the last week.  This should be a fun episode, and I’m very excited to get this started in what I hope to be many more fun Episodes of the future.  I intend to make this a weekly Podcast, so stay tuned to the Stay N’ Alive FriendFeed room for more details on future episodes.

UPDATE: Be sure to take the SocialToo SocialSurvey to vote on a name for the podcast!

2008 – The Year My Life Exploded

One of the reasons I started this blog back in 2004 (I believe it was actually earlier, in various forms) was to enable me to chronicle the intellectual things I came across throughout life. This year has been such an amazing year for me, experiencing the birth of my son (which we Twittered and Ustreamed), the birth of 2 identical twin nieces (which I didn’t document here), to the complete opposite of the spectrum with the death of both my Grandfather, and just recently my Grandmother, whose 85th birthday would have been January 1st, 2009. I have experienced such joys, and at the same time such sorrow, and you all have been there with me every step of the way. I’ve never done the “list” thing before (never had time!), so I thought this year would be different. I thought I’d go through each month and share with you some of the highlights on Stay N’ Alive this year.


January was the start of my Twitter woes, with frequent outages and frustration.  ChaCha saved my brother due to lack of weather and traffic reports in the area he was traveling.  January was the month I created my largest annoyance, coining the technique (which was the first time the idea was mentioned anywhere, I believe) of tagging friends in Facebook Notes to bring attention to them.  This technique worked and helped me build relationships with several bloggers I am now friends with today.  I now hate the technique because everyone uses it on me.  Myspace announced their own developer platform, giving hints to a date OpenSocial would go live.  Pownce, which ironically I was a user of long before Twitter, began to show purpose for me.  People got confused about what the Facebook Platform was, and the leader of my faith passed away (Death #1).


I started February by coining my idea of Social Media bringing back the small communities and villages of olden times.  I pointed out the fact that Amazon has its own Social Network (which surprisingly still, not many people are aware of).  I took my very first trip to the Bay area, and got an awesome tour of the Googleplex from my cousin, who treated me to one of the best lunches I’ve ever eaten.  I wrote my first OpenSocial application, and realized web development had changed as we know it.  Back then, Twitter Track over SMS still worked, so I wrote one of the very first posts suggesting Twitter as a tool for disasters and emergencies.  Other than for news, I’m not so sure about that any more.  I launched, which quickly fizzled as I ran out of time.  London had a small, but rare earthquake, and I saw it first on Twitter, on my cell phone, via track. In February I published my first book.


March, Facebook introduced their Feed Forms (which we were first to announce), providing a way for developers to easily publish stories to the Facebook news feed.  March marked the birth of our 4th child and youngest son, Jesse III, which we Twittered, blogged, and Ustreamed the entire way.  We began to see the makings of the first Facebook Worm, which this blog was one of the first to report (and henceforth recorded by Fortiguard security, and then PC Magazine’s blog).  Google launched the OpenSocial Foundation, and Yahoo became a member and announced their (future) support for the platform.


April I attended my first Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco.  I learned the wonders of the Bloggers Lounge, and met several great new people there.  Bungee Labs made some great announcements there, and it was looking up for them as Google announced their App Engine platform and the idea of Software as a Service was put in the public eye.  Of course, with layoffs later down the road, things aren’t looking so hot for them right now.  April was also a hallmark month, with the launch of at the end of the month, in a very small announcement, I invited my small audience at the time to join and help build out intelligent blacklisting for the service.  It was this time I met Guy Kawasaki and built out the UI on his behalf to enable him and myself to follow those that were following us on Twitter.  We didn’t officially launch to the general public until last month. April, I also got to guest post on Guy Kawasaki’s blog.


May was an exciting, and somber month at the same time. My former business colleague and friend, Phil Burns’, daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia.  Through Twitter and this blog, and others kind efforts of sharing on their blogs, we were able to raise over $10,000 in just a month, all through means of social media.  This further witnessed to me the power of Social Media, and makes me truly believe in some of the things people like Beth Kanter are doing right now.  In March, I wrote my first 1-word post, in response to another one-word post on TechCrunch, which was in response to Twitter being down for the umpteenth time in a matter of days. That prompted Twitter to blame their outages on Robert Scoble, and Robert Scoble blaming Twitter for their own problems.  I took a trip out to Google I/O, and Robert, under last minute circumstances, invited me to join him in going to the Twitter offices and working things out.  It was there I met Ev Williams and Biz Stone in person, realized what a mess the service really was, and ended up on the front page of TechCrunch.  It was just after that that Twitter continued their classic behavior of cutting out features from the API with little to no notice to developers. It was at the same conference I was able to speak for the Slicon Valley Web Builders on Facebook Development in FBML.  April was also the month I began seriously using FriendFeed.


June was a somber month for me.  It started with Facebook announcing their yearly F8 conference, right in the middle of OSCON, both conferences I was hoping to attend.  The most somber part of the month however came when my Grandfather, and namesake, died in a quick turn for the worse due to Cancer and old age.  This was a hard thing for me, being one of the closest people I knew to die.  It was also death #2 of the year of people I adored.  Shortly after that, on my way to the funeral services in fact, I noticed some developers were completely shutting down their apps due to problems with the Twitter API.  I predicted they would continue to succeed regardless.  The month ended somberly, with Bill Gates, a hero of mine, leaving Microsoft.


In July, I got my new 2nd generation iPhone, and realized it needs Privacy controls. I attended Facebook’s F8 conference, where I predicted, and they very quietly announced plans for a mobile platform API. All this occurred as they were announcing the launch of Facebook Connect.  Right before F8 I finished my second book. In July I left Twitter, learned some valuable lessons about the service, and ended up coming back a few months later when I realized no one was joining me.  SocialToo announced support.  July was also the month I began blogging as a member of the team at  My first post was about none-other than blogging.


In August I celebrated my 31st Birthday.  OpenMicroblogger launched their competing software to the Open Source microblogging platform.  Twitter launched the ability to track threaded replies in the API, and I began to suggest that the Twitter platform needed a meta tagging language to remove the need for the “@”.  Some suggested that the LDS Church was buying Facebook (yeah, I know).  We saw history made as the Olympics hit China.


September I took a temporary turn to full time work, going to help out i.TV bring their App to the number one spot in the iTunes App store.  Since then they have continued their growth, and continue as a client of mine as I build out SocialToo.  I launched the first public WordPress plugin for Facebook Connect. passed 4 million blogs.  I had an excellent time at BlogWorld in Las Vegas, where I roomed with Louis Gray and met a ton of new people and bloggers (are bloggers people?).


In October I announced for the first time I would be voting for a (gasp!) Democrat.  i.TV reached #1 in the iTunes App store, and I got to witness it first hand, having a part in their promotion and growth.  Facebook reached their 10 billionth photo and we were one of the first to report it.  Proposition 8 in California became the center of a love/hate storm.  Someone left a suicide note in the Facebook developer forums.  SocialToo announced Follower statistics for our users.


I spent a lot of November speaking, starting with an O’Reilly Webinar on Facebook development for beginners.  America elected our first African American president, and I voted, but had to pay for my Chik Fil A sandwich.  I presented to a large group of CIOs in Dallas.  SocialToo went live to the public! (and Guy Kawasaki joined forces to help launch it, as co-owner) I presented Facebook Development in under 5 minutes at Ignite Salt Lake City.


I started out December participating on several panels.  We launched a new redesign on Stay N’ Alive.  My family and I took a vacation to Las Vegas.  After getting back, just 2 days before Christmas we received disheartening news that my Grandmother had passed away.  This would make death #3 of the year, but we’re happy she’s home for Christmas.  We ended the month with great news however, announcing Louis Gray joining the Board of Advisors for SocialToo.

Have a safe and Happy New Year!

As I write this, it’s quickly approaching midnight here in the MountainWest.  It’s been an incredible year for me and this blog – I can’t wait to see what lies in store for the next year.  In the meantime, “Stay” tuned, and keep watching here and, as well as my new business, for more great content regarding Technology, Social Networking, and new technologies.  I promise to keep things exciting around here, and look forward to the upcoming year.  Let’s hope I don’t explode!

Stay N’ Alive Has a New Design!

If you haven’t been by to visit the actual blog lately (hello my loyal RSS Readers!), you might want to click on the link up there to come see what it looks like. Thanks to my friend and talented Graphic Designer, Brandon Babb, we now have a new design! I’d also like to announce a few new directions for Stay N’ Alive.


You’ll notice on the right there’s now a “Community” sub-section with options to join the community on either Google Friend Connect, or Facebook Connect.  Choose one, or the other, or both!  Right now it’s a great way to know what other friends of yours are readers of this blog, or perhaps get introduced to someone new.  Or you can just invite your friends and tell them about a story you like, asking them to join the community as well! (I suggest you personalize your message)

It should be noted that by joining Friend Connect (just a single click if you have any Google account anywhere), you’ll have the option to also post on the wall you’ll see under the same “Community” subsection.  I encourage you all to get on the wall and communicate!  You can leave a message for me, or respond to others’ messages.  The replies are threaded, so it makes for a great place to just talk amongst yourselves.  Also, through Friend Connect, if you are a Twitter user, you can now invite your friends to read an article via Twitter by clicking the “Invite” link, choosing the “other” option, and then Twitter.  Google just announced this today.  I’m sure you’ll see many more features launched in the future as Google tries to compete with Facebook.

If you join Facebook Connect, you’ll have the option to invite your Facebook friends.  In the very near future you should be able to also use this same identity to comment on posts, post those comments to Facebook, among other things.  (It’s still unclear if this will be through Disqus or not)  For now you can still share the posts to your profile, and see other Facebook users and friends that have visited the site.  Expect to see much more as I begin to enhance and expand both Friend Connect and Facebook Connect to further enhance the site.

More About Me

Let’s face it, I have to pay the bills.  So I have included some more information about me, and about the blog.  Go ahead – click on the “About” section.  Oooh – see it expand and contract?  Pretty cool, eh?  This will only get better.

You’ll notice I now have information about my Speaking, and Consulting.  If you know someone, or have an opportunity in either of these areas, please don’t hesitate to send people my way.  I’d love to see how I can help you, as I feel I have a few talents I can share with you and your friends in various capacities.  Check out my client list if you want to know results.

Also, I’m avoiding it for the moment, but those little square boxes in the upper-right could be for sale if you would like to make an offer.  I also have 3 more boxes that could go below those, and they can be combined to make bigger boxes.  Let me know if it’s something you’re interested in.  Make me an offer and I’d love to consider it, although I’m still debating if I want to sell ads here or not.


Dooce, watch out – I’m coming for you!  There’s more than enough room for the two of us here in Utah, and us Daddy bloggers can compete with the rest of ’em!  As of yesterday, I’m now starting (at least) a photo of the day.  What the subject of these will be I’m still debating, but I’m open to suggestions, and feedback.  My goal is to tell a story.  Photography is a passion, and hobby of mine – I’d like to share some of that with you.

You’ll still get the same tech news, same early adopter technologies.  I’ll still be blogging regularly on,, and occasionally (just search for my name on any of those sites), but this is always my home.  Keep coming back!  Oh, and trust me, there’s much more to come.

Are You Subscribed to My Link Blog?

2426084610-reader-logo-en.gifSome of my best comments are made via my Google Reader Link blog. I often avoid writing about already-written stories because there are so many better ways to do it. I often comment on FriendFeed, and where I have an opinion, I write about it as a Note in my Google Reader shared items, which goes to my Link blog.

I’ve added a small version of the link blog in the sidebar, but you can also follow it in Google Reader by subscribing here – or, you can just go there and check back often to see what else I’ve shared. Of course, the best way to follow my comments and shares is by sending me an e-mail, or brief chat to jessestay at gmail dot com, and that way I can read, and re-share your shared items as well!

Of course, if you follow me on FriendFeed, you’ll get all of this, and you can reply, too! You can follow me there at

Stay N’ Alive – The Cure for the Common… Heart Attack?

SaturdayNightFever_300x298.pngAccording to a study by the University of Illinois medical school published on, this very blog could be the cure to anyone suffering a heart attack. Okay, maybe not this blog, but the song that inspired the blog, which became popular the year I was born, “Stayin’ Alive“, from the movie, “Saturday Night Fever” and sung by the Bee Gees.

According to the study, the song, at a perfect 103 beats per minute, is the perfect rhythm in which to perform CPR. Studies show that those people that use the song to help establish a rhythm for chest compressions had a much better chance at hitting the perfect rhythm to saving a life than those who did not. The American Heart Association has actually been using this song as a tip to those studying CPR for 2 years, according to CNN.

So, the next time you are out there, saving the world and saving lives, think of this blog (without the “i”), and most importantly the song, Stayin’ Alive (with the “i”) and you could very well save a life! Who says this blog doesn’t save lives?

You can purchase Stayin’ Alive on iTunes here: Bee Gees - Saturday Night Fever (The Original Movie Soundtrack) [Remastered] - Stayin' Alive

I highly recommend the N’ Trance version though: N-Trance - The Best of N-Trance 1992-2002 - Stayin' Alive

"Stay" Updated on All my Guest Posts via FriendFeed

rss_what_it_is_480.pngFor those of you unaware, Stay N’ Alive isn’t the only place I blog these days. I actually have 3 blogs of my own, this being the most active and my home base. In addition to that, I at least weekly guest-blog on both and I also occasionally guest-blog on Add to that the posts that I write at the new i.TV blog and there’s a lot to keep track of! I’ve created a nifty way for you to keep track of my writing using FriendFeed to make it easy.

Since FriendFeed does not offer ability to filter by more than one service at a time, I made a hack. Now, you can go to the “Jesse Stay” room on Friend Feed at Once you’re there you’ll see all my writing. Go ahead and like entries you like, comment on them, share them, and more if you like. Or, if you don’t ever want to visit that page again, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the little RSS icon next to “Other ways to read this feed”. Now, you’ll get every one of my posts in your RSS Feed Reader, free of charge. You can also click here to add to your RSS Feed Reader. This room has only blog feeds so it won’t be cluttered by my Twitter, FriendFeed, Photos, Music, and other stuff I aggregate.

If you’re interested in adding each blog I post on to your RSS Reader individually, here they are, one-by-one: – Stay N’ Alive – i.TV Blog – – – Facebook Advice – OpensocialNow – All Facebook

Stay N’ Alive Now on Your iPhone!

IMG_0001-1.pngThis morning I installed the WPTouch plugin by Dale Mugford & Duane Storey onto this blog, enabling all mobile viewers to have a nice, very fast loading version of this blog on your iPhone. Loading in Safari on the iPhone gives you a nice, iPhone-formatted version of the blog that you can easily click through articles, read them in a very plain and simple format, share with friends, and more.

staynalive_iphone_icon.pngIn addition, I also created a nicely formatted icon with my “Social” Geek logo which you can add to your Home Screen. Just click on the “+” sign in Safari, select “Add to Home Screen”, and it will add it to your home page. If you want the full version of the site, scroll down to the bottom and there will be a link to get the original formatting back.

This should be the beginning of a long line of changes for this site. As you can see, I’ve gone naked and listed my Reader count on the right of the blog, showing we’re quickly approaching 500 readers and growing. Because of that I want to do some things that will make this much more professional looking, while at the same time maintains the personal and open nature you have always gotten from me. Stay tuned, and you can follow redesign progress at

If anyone has any connections to help get me the “” with the “i” before the “n”, it would make a really nice Christmas present!

I’m Listening to Your Comments, I Promise!

I just realized I was missing about a week’s worth of comments from this blog. It looks like Google Reader at some point stopped tracking the comments (which is how I knew you were commenting), and I missed a few great ones, including one from BJ Fogg, whom I look up to. My apologies if it has taken awhile for me to respond to your comments.

If you want to track any of the comments feeds for any particular article, simply view the article, and append, “/feed” to the end and add it to your favorite RSS Reader. It will then send you updates of all comments for that article. Or, you can just click the checkbox next to, “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail” below the Captcha and it will e-mail you updates.

My apologies if I have not responded very quickly lately – that should be fixed now.

Stay N’ Alive Productions and Present Facebook "Chat-B-Gone" (#web20expo)

I’m sitting in here at the Blogger Lounge at Web 2.0 Expo, and have been working on a cool little gadget I think you may like. Mari Smith yesterday Tweeted that she and others wished there was a way they could “turn off” Facebook chat. Right now there are privacy controls to block people and keep people from chatting with you, but there is no real way to turn off the Chat feature in Facebook.

So I created a simple little Greasemonkey script (works in Firefox only, sorry) under the GPL v.2, in conjunction with‘s “Social Companion to the Web” theme, that I call, “Facebook Chat-B-Gone”. Go ahead and download and install Greasemonkey here, then click here to download “Facebook Chat-B-Gone”.

Enjoy! And be sure to sign up for for more cool “companion” features like this in the future!

Stay N’ Alive Has a New Design!

I’m proud to announce the new design of the Stay N’ Alive blog. Yes, that is me on a Segway, a little slouched, but my real, geeky self, having fun. I’m tempted to subtitle the blog, “A Developer, Having Fun!” Really, that is what being a developer is all about – if you’re not having fun, find something else! I sincerely love what I do – at heart, I will always be a developer, a Geek at heart.

Another geek at heart, Bill Gates, gave his final keynote address at CES last night. He left a hilarious, yet touching video making fun of what his final day could be like. I have to admit, as a Linux and Mac user primarily (I use Windows for my Entertainment Center experience), I was a little choked up after this. I became a programmer because of Bill Gates, working on MS DOS machines, Windows 1 (came on a 5″ floppy), 2, 3, 3.1, and 95 way before I was ever a Linux user. I owe much of my experience as a programmer to this man – while we make fun of him, he is an inspiration to us all: