Apple Archives - Stay N Alive

iCloud Will Do For the Cloud as iPod Did for MP3s

In the days where MP3 players were a dime a dozen, everyone was scrambling to pick the best device. There were dozens of, perhaps too many choices – some had large storage. Others had better interfaces, or supported different file formats. Some even played (gasp) CDs. But when Apple released the iPod that all changed. […]


Apple is Creating a "Social Network" the Right Way

Today Apple did one of the most powerful things they have done since the launch of the iPod.  Notice that I didn’t say “revolutionary”.  There’s nothing new about it.  Note that I didn’t say “innovative”.  There’s nothing unique about it.  Today Apple launched, quite simply, a “Social Network for Music”.  What’s so powerful is that […]


Want to Follow Steve Jobs? "No Soup for You!"

Evidently a few of my friends have found Steve Jobs’ profile and followed him.  Apple must have discovered that, because whenever I click on his profile, I get the following popup, saying, “Your Ping Account is Disabled.”  Of course my account isn’t disabled because I can still follow other people, but it’s definitely interesting.  I […]


Name a Better Phone

Let’s put all partialities aside. Currently, I own an iPhone, an Evo (which I’m borrowing through work for testing), and a Pre (my work phone).  I have been a Windows user most of my life, and spent 2 or 3 years with Linux on my desktop.  In the PDA days I ran a Palm Pilot, […]


The Virtuous Cycle of Choice and Momentum

Here we go again.  We’ve been here before.  History always repeats itself. In the early days of the desktop computer, it was the Wild West.  No computer was dominant because they all simply had not been around long enough.  The movie, “The Pirates of Silicon Valley”, described this era well, and was a time of […]