NBC Archives - Stay N Alive

Happy Mormon Christmas! (From a Mormon)

The Tonight Show did a hilarious remake of Orrin Hatch’s “8 Days of Hannukah“, just for Mormons (since Hatch is a Mormon).  I thought it was very tactfully done – I’ll be singing this all Christmas! http://widgets.nbc.com/o/4727a250e66f9723/4b27e7b168366b6e/4b27ab312ddcff38/6fb83533/-cpid/557aa948982e719d To learn about what Mormons really believe, be sure to check out Mormon.org, or this site which has […]


The Internationalization of Media

I love the Olympics. It’s a time of competition, a time of pride, generally a time of peace, a time of celebration, and very much a time of new technology and media. I’m noticing something this year however and frankly, as an American it’s a little scary. Ironically, it has nothing to do with the […]