vs – Stay N Alive

Comcast Fails to Innovate With Versus/DirectTV Debacle #vfbyu #vftcu #vsstreamit

Versus-LogoVersus, the Sports broadcast network owned by Comcast, Inc., has been in a turf war recently as it has pulled customers in the middle of a fight between DirectTV and its Sales team unwilling to give way until DirectTV pays.  The fight is grounded in a feud where Comcast wants DirectTV to pay extra to gain access to the network, DirectTV being unwilling to pay.  DirectTV customers (disclaimer: I am forced to be a Comcast customer right now) are forced to either switch to Comcast or forgo games like this weekend’s ranked BYU vs. TCU game shown only on the network due to pre-arranged deals with the MountainWest Conference.  Versus is even going to the effect of asking viewers to call up DirectTV and request it be added in commercials broadcast the week of critical games.  I’d like to suggest to Comcast and Versus it’s time to eat your own dogfood – I want my games online!

Comcast, my internet provider who has the technology to do so is taking this entire approach immaturely, forcing the customers into the middle of it all in a greed for more money from DirectTV.  When in reality, Comcast could bypass DirectTV altogether and provide these games, ad-supported for free on their own site.  ESPN does this.  Heck, I’d even watch it considering I don’t have cable TV at all and I’m a Comcast subscriber!  It’s time the cable and satellite providers buck up and start to share these things so all can see – don’t pass the burden onto your customers.

Imagine a day when it doesn’t matter if your cable provider has the games you want to watch.  Imagine a day when you can watch the games, provider-free, on your TV or computer or even iPhone, no worries about who is sending the signal.  Comcast needs to take the lead in this, that is if they truly care.

I’d like to start a new campaign.  No, I don’t have the money or the voice or the bullying influence Comcast has, but I do have a blog.  I have Twitter.  I have Facebook.  I’m creating the new hashtag, “#vsstreamit” and every time I hear those commercials I’m going to be reminded to pass the burden back onto Versus through Tweets, blog posts, Facebook, and whatever means necessary to make people know this is Comcast’s problem, not DirectTV’s.  I’m sick of this.  This is Comcast’s problem which they created after all.  It’s about time Comcast starts to really care and share this stuff with all of us rather than play these silly blame games.  Take some responsibility!