Stress Relief
I tend to find when I’ve had a tough day at work, diverting my energy to developing this site and Jeens is quite calming. Programming, believe it or not is not just a job for me, but a way to calm down and destress myself at the end of the day. As you can see, […]
Read more...Mod_Perl woes…
Well, Bryar now allows you to actually click on individual articles using the Bryar/Frontend/ module, but for some reason I can’t get the text after /blog to be counted in path_info. I inserted a /x/ after /blog now so path_info will recognize the article id’s after that. I’m not sure why that doesn’t work. Here’s […]
Read more...Welcome!
Well, I’m finally moving to where I want to go with jeens (or should I call it “jeans”?), my family-based, open source CMS based on HTML::Mason and Mod_Perl. This is just one of multiple parts to this project. This is a sample of my individual page, where each family member will be able to create […]