mormon Archives - Stay N Alive

As Goes the Publisher, So Goes the Conference

Seth Godin is known as a leader in trends, particularly surrounding marketing and the new wave of media.  That’s why Godin deciding his 13th book, Linchpin, will be his last traditionally published book is a big deal.  I think it seals the deal – not just that publishers aren’t quite as needed as they used […]


Who are the Mormons?

For those of you unaware, I am Mormon.  I try not to preach the religion topic too much on this site unless it has to do with Technology, but I did realize there wasn’t much on this blog talking about who I am and what I believe in.  I’m hoping to correct that and while […]


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

In these hard economic times, we all need a little reboot on what’s really important.  Christian, Jew, Muslim, or none-of-the-above, this video produced by my church, while from a Christian’s perspective, really sets things straight – it’s the little things!: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you from me and my family.



We decided to take a little trip to go see the Christmas lights on Friday as a family at the Salt Lake City Mormon temple. I couldn’t resist the beauty of the lights on the water with the reflection in the background.