How is Quora Able to Auto-Like Posts on Facebook?
I’ve been contemplating a way to get Facebook like buttons to work with a brand’s own look and feel, so when you like it on a 3rd party site, it automatically likes the same Page (via Open Graph Protocol) on Facebook. This would be a User Experience Designer’s dream come true, especially those that I […]
Read more...Counting "Real" Likes on any URL – Evaluating the Salt Lake City vs. Fresno Campaign
In the last week I saw one of the most amazing campaigns of unity amongst 2 communities, Salt Lake City, Utah, where I live and where I asked for your help, and Fresno, California. Both cities were entered into Walmart’s “Fighting Hunger Together” campaign in a race to get the most “likes”. The prize? 1 […]
Read more...Facebook’s Like Button for the Whole Internet – Here’s How it Works
Techcrunch today talked about a new “Like Button for the Whole Internet” which Facebook looks to be launching some time soon, and has been tested amongst several developers as they’ve been told. What they didn’t mention is that you can access the code for this right now in the code to the latest open source […]