facebook dislike – Stay N Alive

I Like This – a Facebook "Dislike" Button for the Entire Web

A post to Facebook by Ryan Merket (former Facebook employee, founder of Ping.fm, and now founder of Appbistro) inspired me to check out a new Facebook App by Zach Allia that lets you “dislike” any website on the internet.  The app is simple – you add a little bookmarklet to your browser and connect it with Facebook.  Now any website you visit you can “dislike”, and your dislike appears on your Facebook Wall for all your friends to see.

Merket and I had a little fun with the app.  He would dislike one political figure’s Facebook Page, and I would then go and dislike the opposite political figure.  Or, he would dislike something and I would go “like” his recent dislike.  I even went to one of his dislikes, clicked the permalink for the dislike, and disliked his dislike!  (Have a headache yet?)

The app doesn’t just work on Facebook.  You can go to any website on the internet and click the little “Dislike” bookmarklet and your dislike will appear.  In addition, you can go to http://likebutton.me and get a similar like bookmarklet to like things on the internet in a similar manner.

This is a totally cool idea, and great example of the simplicity of Facebook Graph API.  I predict it will be very popular due to Facebook and other sites’ lack of a “dislike” button for the network.  I hope he can find a good way to monetize the concept.  In a recent environment of negativity on the internet, this app could just provide a little level of fun and positivity to Facebook.  “dislike” is the new “poke”. 😉

Check out, and “like” the app at http://dislikebutton.me/

Do you “like” the concept?