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I’ve decided I’m going to begin porting Jeens over to Catalyst, based on Simon Cozen’s Maypole module. Perl is going to need to move to more of an MVC framework for it to stay up with the competition so I may as well help it out. I in some ways want to leave where Simon […]


Bryar in Mason

Well, here it is. I’ve had several requests on how I got Bryar working in Mason. I basically just did it with a Mason component, calling the Bryar libraries. I am including in this tarred and gzipped file the Bryar Mason component and also the calendar component that comes with Simon Cozen’s original Template Toolkit […]


FC2 Up and Running…

After a few problems and a bad fsck experience, I’m up again, this time on Fedora Core 2 (from Redhat 9). Something to note: with the latest release of mod_perl, Beau Cox’s MasonX::Apache2Handler (v. 0.50) will not work, giving errors such as ‘Can’t locate object method “server_root_relative” via package “Apache::ServerRec”‘. The solution can be found […]


Stress Relief

I tend to find when I’ve had a tough day at work, diverting my energy to developing this site and Jeens is quite calming. Programming, believe it or not is not just a job for me, but a way to calm down and destress myself at the end of the day. As you can see, […]


Mod_Perl woes…

Well, Bryar now allows you to actually click on individual articles using the Bryar/Frontend/Mod_Perl.pm module, but for some reason I can’t get the text after /blog to be counted in path_info. I inserted a /x/ after /blog now so path_info will recognize the article id’s after that. I’m not sure why that doesn’t work. Here’s […]



Well, I’m finally moving to where I want to go with jeens (or should I call it “jeans”?), my family-based, open source CMS based on HTML::Mason and Mod_Perl. This is just one of multiple parts to this project. This is a sample of my individual page, where each family member will be able to create […]