FC2 Up and Running… - Stay N Alive

FC2 Up and Running…

After a few problems and a bad fsck experience, I’m up again, this time on Fedora Core 2 (from Redhat 9). Something to note: with the latest release of mod_perl, Beau Cox’s MasonX::Apache2Handler (v. 0.50) will not work, giving errors such as ‘Can’t locate object method “server_root_relative” via package “Apache::ServerRec”‘. The solution can be found here. The following must be changed in Apache2Handler.pm:

“From the mp2 Changes file, ($r|$c|$s)->server_root_relative
has been removed. There is a suggested alternative, which
for MasonX::Apache2Handler translates to (untested):
— Apache2Handler.pm~ Sun Apr 11 17:02:16 2004
+++ Apache2Handler.pm Mon Oct 25 22:47:12 2004
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@
if (exists $allowed_params->{data_dir} and not exists $params{data_dir})
# constructs path to /mason
– my $def = $defaults{data_dir} = Apache->server->server_root_relative(‘mason’);
+ my $def = $defaults{data_dir} = File::Spec->catfile(Apache::ServerUtil::server_root, ‘mason’);
param_error “Default data_dir (MasonDataDir) ‘$def’ must be an absolute
unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($def);


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