Dooce Isn't the Only One That Can Show Pretty Pictures of Utah - Stay N Alive

I stepped outside today (gasp!) to get some weeding done and prepare our Garden for the end of spring planting I’m going to be doing and just couldn’t resist finding my camera and taking pictures of the Flowers. This is from the Weeping Cherry tree in our front yard. And yes Dooce, the Mormons are winning (You will be assimilated). 😉  You can see more over here.

Weeping Cherry Blossoms

10 thoughts on “Dooce Isn’t the Only One That Can Show Pretty Pictures of Utah

  1. Jesse,
    I am looking forward to visiting Utah in May.
    By then the leaves will have replaced these blossoms.
    These blossoms are just one of the nice surprises brought to us by spring.

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