Who are the Mormons?

mormon-199x300-6437102For those of you unaware, I am Mormon.  I try not to preach the religion topic too much on this site unless it has to do with Technology, but I did realize there wasn’t much on this blog talking about who I am and what I believe in.  I’m hoping to correct that and while I certainly don’t want to impose, I want you to be able to find out about it if you choose to learn.  For that reason, I’ve created a dedicated Page on this blog to this topic, and I hope you don’t hesitate to ask questions.

I may also at some point share my personal thoughts about the subject – it is a very personal topic that I think is worth sharing at some point.  My faith expands to my very root and core, and goes way beyond my belief (which I feel strongly about). It is something I was born into.  It is something my Ancestors practiced as they were persecuted for their beliefs in the early days of US History.  It is something I have challenged and tried and gained my own testimony of as I have grown up and learned of my own freedoms and choices.  It is something that “just makes sense” to me, and having travelled the world I have yet to find anything (while there are many good things out there) that matches what we believe.  This is something that is very much a part of me, just as much as my passion for technology and new media.

I hope you spend some time checking out the section I added on the right, “Learn About the Mormon Church“.  In addition, be sure to check out the official Mormon topic Page on LDS.org that was just released, talking about who a Mormon is, what the term means, and why we are who we are.  This is something very important to me, and while I respect we all have varying opinions and beliefs, I hope you can at least learn something from it.

Here are some useful links:

What Mormons Believe

Learn About the Mormons

What is “A Mormon”?

Read the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price Online

Read the Gospel Library on your Mobile Phone

Please, if this inspires you or you feel inclined, don’t hesitate to click “like” above or share it with your friends! (Retweet, post on Facebook, etc.)

13 responses to “Who are the Mormons?”

  1. MaryAnn Chick Whiteside Avatar

    mmm I like this trend of people letting us know more about their beliefs, their foundations. In a world of excessive information, knowing more about a source helps us know whom to trust and where they stand day to day.

    Does your religion matter when you write about technology? I say yes because it helps me know your values and lets me compare them to my values.

    (I'm going to have to ponder just why two of my favorite tech writers share the same religion. Is that why they make my must-read/follow list?)

  2. Jesse Stay Avatar

    MaryAnn, ironically, it wasn't until I started blogging that I met your
    other favorite tech blogger. 😉 While he and I may disagree on some points
    technology-related, there are certain fundamentals I think you can know we
    will both always agree on.

  3. Patrick Curl Avatar

    Thanks for sharing, as a Mormon Social Media Consultant its nice to know that other popular bloggers share the same beliefs.

  4. Patrick Curl Avatar

    Thanks for sharing, as a Mormon Social Media Consultant its nice to know that other popular bloggers share the same beliefs

  5. Partywedo Avatar

    Thank you for sharing all this Jesse… People should know what foundation we build our lives, and hopefully our business values upon.

  6. nike trainers sale Avatar
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    Agree to the word

  7. Scott Maentz Avatar

    Jesse, I applaud you for sharing your faith. I feel strongly about my faith as well and attempt to integrate it into every aspect of my life. While I don't personally agree with the theology of the LDS church, I totally respect the dedication and strength of faith of many Mormons I've had the pleasure of knowing.

    I came across this interesting article where a Catholic answers a Mormon regarding Catholic beliefs. As a Roman Catholic, my theology is quite different than yours and this article provides an interesting overview with links for further reading about those differences. I thought you might be interested in checking it out. http://www.fallibleblogma.com/index.php/i-got-q


  8. Jesse Stay Avatar

    Thanks for sharing Scott. In response to the article you shared, I just
    will have to say I'll agree to disagree on a few core aspects and I'll leave
    it at that. If you ever have any questions about the Mormon faith though I
    am always happy to answer them.

    What I do know is this faith has brought me an incredible peace as I've
    strived to live its teachings and it has done nothing but brought my family
    closer to God. I am grateful for continuing revelation in such troubled
    times and to have a modern Prophet, 12 Apostles, and living priesthood that
    walk the earth and continue to receive revelation directly from Him. That
    is the rock that keeps me moving forward, and why we as Mormons are so solid
    in our beliefs.

  9. Bob Uda Avatar
    Bob Uda

    It's great to see a discussion about Mormonism and other religions without people attacking aspects of our religion with which they disagree. It is always best to agree to disagree on points of disagreement from which both parties cannot or will not budge. As we are counseled, “Contend against no church, save it be the church of the devil.” ~ (Doctrine and Covenants 18:20). If everyone of all religions would follow that counsel, meaningful and fruitful religions discussions can be achieved among all religions.

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  11. Partywedo Avatar

    Thank you for sharing all this Jesse… People should know what foundation we build our lives, and hopefully our business values upon.

  12. Jesse Stay Avatar

    MaryAnn, ironically, it wasn't until I started blogging that I met your
    other favorite tech blogger. 😉 While he and I may disagree on some points
    technology-related, there are certain fundamentals I think you can know we
    will both always agree on.

  13. MaryAnn Chick Whiteside Avatar

    mmm I like this trend of people letting us know more about their beliefs, their foundations. In a world of excessive information, knowing more about a source helps us know whom to trust and where they stand day to day.

    Does your religion matter when you write about technology? I say yes because it helps me know your values and lets me compare them to my values.

    (I'm going to have to ponder just why two of my favorite tech writers share the same religion. Is that why they make my must-read/follow list?)

What do YOU think? Let us know your thougts below!