Wordpress and Intense-Debate Take First Steps Towards Integration - Stay N Alive

WordPress and Intense-Debate Take First Steps Towards Integration


A few of the Automattic developers are announcing a new beta program for WordPress.com blogs in which blog owners can enable Intense-debate and Disqus-style e-mail replies to comments on a blog (this blog uses Disqus comments). Such an announcement comes on the heels of Automattic’s purchase of Intense-debate, and according to Joseph Scott (one of the developers), the feature was actually co-written by one of the Intense-debate developers, Jon Fox.

According to the various posts, soon users will be able to comment on WordPress.com blogs, and when they comment, the blog owner will receive notice of the comment via e-mail. The blog owner can then respond straight from the e-mail without having to go back to the website to comment.

This integration seems to be just the first step of Automattic integrating with Intense-Debate. Other competitors that provide similar offerings are Disqus, and JS-Kit. Disqus doesn’t seem to be worried however, claiming that only 5% of Disqus blogs are based on WordPress (I personally, am a big fan of Disqus). Such a unified effort should worry the competitors however – where so many blog owners are now seamlessly integrated into a hosted commenting solution, every reader of those blogs will now also be required to integrate. It will be interesting to see what the response from the competition will be.

The beta is for WordPress.com users only. No word on if self-hosted blogs such as Stay N’ Alive will be provided an update.

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27 thoughts on “WordPress and Intense-Debate Take First Steps Towards Integration

  1. […] WordPress and Intense Debate Take First Steps Towards Integration Posted by root 2 hours 36 minutes ago (http://staynalive.local) Oct 24 2008 log in and claim this comment wow wordpress looks great blog comments powered by disqus url of this printout http staynalive com articles 2008 10 24 wordpress integrates e mail based threaded replies 23 i tv 1 identi ca 5 iphone 6 microbloggin Discuss  |  Bury |  News | WordPress and Intense Debate Take First Steps Towards Integration […]

  2. Hi Jesse,

    Just a quick one to let you know I have Facebook Connect running within Intensedebate here: http://www.diaspora.ie/starship/

    Feel free to try it out / leave a message – keeping it Irish! (It's part of Intensedebates limited roll-out trial).



  3. Personally I love ID for comments and post as often as I see a blog using it. Considering it’s a plugin, this piece of software seems to be more at home in Blogger/Wordepress/Typepad than some of the included modules!

  4. One of the more useful functions of Intense Debate is profiling. By using your Intense Debate profile to leave comments on ID-enabled blogs, you can increase your reputation, link to your other social networking profile..

  5. Intense Debate has been acquired by Automatic, just for reference. There are some very cool things coming out to integrate it into WordPress blogs – but it will work for other services.

  6. I think we’re making some progress now. TurboGears 2 and Pylons use something we’re calling “WSGI Components” which are not pure WSGI middleware in the sense you mean it. Routes for example has a pretty standard API to work with, but it’s (or something implementing that API) is definitely required for Pylons to work.

  7. I think we’re making some progress now. TurboGears 2 and Pylons use something we’re calling “WSGI Components” which are not pure WSGI middleware in the sense you mean it. Routes for example has a pretty standard API to work with, but it’s (or something implementing that API) is definitely required for Pylons to work.

  8. Intense Debate has been acquired by Automatic, just for reference. There are some very cool things coming out to integrate it into WordPress blogs – but it will work for other services.

  9. […] WordPress and Intense Debate Take First Steps Towards Integration Posted by root 2 hours 36 minutes ago (http://staynalive.local) Oct 24 2008 log in and claim this comment wow wordpress looks great blog comments powered by disqus url of this printout http staynalive com articles 2008 10 24 wordpress integrates e mail based threaded replies 23 i tv 1 identi ca 5 iphone 6 microbloggin Discuss  |  Bury |  News | WordPress and Intense Debate Take First Steps Towards Integration […]

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