jessestay, Author at Stay N Alive - Page 87 of 105

Have a Merry, Social Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all my Stay N’ Alive readers! May your Christmas be a safe, comfortable, social, and happy Christmas. May your Christmas not be like the drunk guy that drove his car into my house the other day (he was okay, so is the house):

On a related note, is your Facebook app using this? (yes, I’ve confirmed it is a real tag!):

Facebook Toolbar, My New Friend

I discovered a new friend yesterday to aide in using Facebook. The Facebook toolbar for Mozilla Firefox is one of the coolest and most useful extensions I use for Firefox now. It shows you (like my Snitter does) with a popup every time a friend updates their status message, someone writes on their wall, or any type of activity happens to you or any of your friends on Facebook. With this new toolbar for Firefox, Facebook quickly becomes a living being, allowing you to see things as they happen on Facebook. Now, if Facebook could find a way to make their site more of a discussion between a community, rather than just between a few groups of people, I could actually replace Twitter with Facebook. You can download the toolbar here:

Twitter Updates for 2007-12-23

  • A car just landed in my backyard #
  • The Car in my back yard – it slid down the 3200 W hill, guy fled the scene (drunk): #
  • @ladanea it barely nick’d the house #
  • @ladanea its definitely made the game more exciting! #
  • Phew! Exciting night tonight! And I’m not just talking about the car in my backyard! #
  • I wish my phone supported Qik – that would have been fun to Qik #
  • My Aunt, a D.O. (she can write prescriptions) with a wholisitic focus has a new blog – show her some love and pass to your friends! http … #
  • the url is – she treated Marie Osmond for her depression, and she’s looking for ideas for her blog #
  • trying to remember who my Homeowners insurance is with #
  • @hundreddollar you should visit West Yellowstone on August 25 – they celebrate Christmas early there every year. #
  • lovely – now my oldest son is sick. That makes all of my kids sick during the time @rebeccastay leaves on vacation πŸ™ she’s loving it #
  • @scobleizer if only I had qik when the car ran into my house last night #
  • More pictures of the car that ran into our house last night: and #
  • @MarinaMartin me too! I was in the room it would have gone right through if it kept going. #
  • @Ladanea lol! My Leopard woes definitely pale in comparison to that car crashing into my house! #
  • I am somewhat distressed, yet somewhat entertained by this girl’s video – is that disturbing?: #
  • @MarinaMartin, not sure how I came across that #
  • @MarinaMartin, I don’t, but okay, I thought about it πŸ˜‰ #
  • Roofing Mogul, Ken Hendricks, one of the wealthiest men in America, died Friday after falling from his garage roof: #
  • @MarinaMartin send them to me – it’s just with the editor at the moment. It’s not too late to include them. #
  • tempted to move to Seattle since everyone else in @utah is doing it – my wife would kill me… #
  • Every time @MarinaMartin mentions my name I get more followers – thanks @MarinaMartin! #
  • thinking the route the car took down our hill last night would make a great sled run #
  • @MarinaMartin – I make that exact suggestion (with a few warnings) in my book! I think what you did is wise (I still need to do it) #

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Twitter Updates for 2007-12-22

  • The guys at Qik should donate @susanreynolds a Nokia to run Qik on. #
  • just 12 more followers to 150 followers on Twitter #
  • These guys are clients of mine – be sure to sign up for their beta!: #
  • Trying to survive running a business and being home alone with the kids #
  • @ThomAllen I haven’t been there, but there used to be one on 5400 S just West of Redwood near the nursery. Not sure if its there still… #
  • @MarinaMartin how does that work? Who gets equity? I’d love to do something like that in Utah – I’d like to learn more… #
  • @MarinaMartin thanks for the link and info #
  • okay fellow Christians, I’m teaching Sunday School tomorrow, and need some ideas other than the normal Luke story to share about the sto … #
  • Looking forward to the only other BYU game this season (Vegas Bowl) to be broadcast in HD. #

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Twitter Updates for 2007-12-21

  • The book is OFF TO THE EDITOR! #
  • @TheLaughingImp, @hundreddollar thanks! Thank YOU @jasonalba – yes, I agree it was a very productive day. #
  • @jasonalba do it for @susanreynolds! #
  • My Leopard woes: #
  • @MarinaMartin welcome back! #
  • @all @ChazFrench needs just 2 more followers to donate to the pea fund! #
  • @peaple you may want to try my auto_follow script to automatically follow those following you. #
  • Kids are sick, business partner is sick, and wife is on vacation – I’m a lone man, my friends! I need about 15 of me at the moment. πŸ™‚ #
  • Just made my donation to the Frozen Pea fund – have you?: #
  • Listening to the same podcast as @jasonalba – wishing I could comment! #
  • writing up a great Facebook strategy for a client – there are some cool business applications for Facebook out there guys! #
  • @ProvoBoy I’ll blog on that some time here – that’s a great idea. Also, in January we will have a list in our book. #
  • @ProvoBoy I have at least 2 or 3 clients with business apps getting ready to launch which I think will be very popular among business folk #
  • @guykawasaki’s looking left out without peas in his avatar πŸ˜‰ #
  • @MarinaMartin I hope you feel better – we’ve got similar stuff going around my house πŸ™ #
  • just received a voice mail from IHC calling me “Alhan”, and offering me a job! W00t! I wonder how much they’re going to pay me? πŸ˜‰ #
  • I thought the recruiters were getting bad asking me to interview – now they’re just offering me jobs. This *is* a nice job market πŸ˜‰ #
  • My 7-yr old daughter knows how to look stuff up on wikipedia. I’m so proud! #

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OS X Leopard Woes

As those who read this blog know, I have a love-hate relationship with Apple. The other night I completely finished a great blog entry on Facebook releasing its own Platform Architecture, similar to OpenSocial Containers, and Bebo being the first to utilize it. Well, I hit “publish”, and realized Leopard had killed my internet connection again! This, after I just installed another update that was supposed to fix everything.

I’m about fed up with Leopard, the problem is there’s not much better elsewhere. Every Operating System has its strengths and every Operating System has its flaws. I like Vista for its new interface and Entertainment (Media Center) Center capabilities. I love Linux as a server. I love Mac as my desktop because it gives me a great combination of both worlds and has a pretty interface. Unfortunately, Vista is bloated, Linux takes too much configuration to get up and running as a decent desktop, and Apple’s flaw? They can’t do a launch right, but continue to make fun of the competition. I had the same issues with Tiger when it launched, now I’m having problems with Leopard – DNS dying, internet randomly going down, applications crashing, grey screens of death. It’s driving me nuts! I just wish they’d stop picking on Microsoft and fix their own operating system! Frankly, I’m beginning to feel sorry for the poor Microsoft business man (the PC) that guy from Die Hard keeps making fun of in Apple’s commercials.

Great – my internet connection just went down again — Now What???

Twitter Updates for 2007-12-20

  • Seeing the lights at thanksgiving point #
  • I can barely get a connection with Leopard now after the last update! I thought this was supposed to fix that! #
  • editing the book, getting ready to send to publisher’s editor tomorrow. #
  • Fading fast – more book editing tomorrow… #
  • @ThomAllen, I hacked my MDA with WM6 – worked great. Takes a ton of Googling to do, though. #
  • @robertmerrill, try #
  • get your hulu invitations here: #
  • k – now that I’m on Hulu I absolutely don’t get it. Is this supposed to be a social site? Looks like more an answer to iTunes, but I c … #
  • @ThomAllen I wish I had more time to code πŸ™ #
  • Just trying to find time to get dressed this morning – too much to do! #
  • eating Christmas cookies and Pepsi for breakfast this morning while I work #
  • Signing an NDA to allow me to be a Facebook Payments developer #
  • off to see my kids’ school concert… #
  • The third grade class at my daughter’s charter school is singing silent night in 3 languages #
  • At the riverton library prepping THE BOOK to send to the publisher with @jasonalba #

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Twitter Updates for 2007-12-19

  • Picking up a pregnant craving for my wife #
  • I’m looking for a breast cancer ribbon graphic and a link that takes you to donate to breast cancer research for my blog – any suggestions? #
  • @ashbuckles thanks – I found a good one. #
  • Dear Google Reader – please give me the capability to share directly from your iGoogle Reader widget #
  • I’ve found lots of pink ribbons, but I want javascript that puts one in the upper-right corner of my blog (without me creating one myself) #
  • @akearns, I didn’t instigate it, but my blog explains #
  • Leopard’s DNS is *still* going down on me, even after the last (second) major update! #
  • @octalmage – nice! Thanks! #
  • @akearns – I liked that post too – scoble puts it much better than I could πŸ™‚ #
  • I’m ready to kill Leopard – I had a beautiful blog post all written, hit save, and my network went completely down. #
  • The problem doesn’t seem to be dns any more – I couldn’t even access my router by IP there for a second! With each Leopard update the p … #
  • then about 5 minutes later the network comes back up, then 5 minutes after that it goes back down again. I’m really starting to hate Apple. #
  • So much for a blog post today – I’m going to bed. Thanks a lot apple. You ruined my day — now what??? #
  • @octalmage that’s my only option now. I may just do that – been there before, somehow I always end up back on Linux. #
  • @octalmage, I’ve actually had way fewer OS-specific problems with the Vista release. I remember problems with the Tiger release, and th … #
  • most problems with Vista have been with 3rd party support. Leopard seems to be actually OS-specific. They don’t seem to know how to re … #
  • sadly, there is no perfect OS πŸ™ #
  • @octalmage is it 64-bit Vista, and do you have the hardware to handle it? With the right hardware, Vista works beautifully (for the mos … #
  • wel, I’m off to bed officially now. #
  • Happy 20th birthday Perl! #
  • This was on the Facebook wiki – is it a joke? Is it a fun tag Facebook is releasing? It appears to be from a FB employee: http://snurl#
  • Facebook just added ability to “group” friends, send messages to an entire group, etc. today. WTG Facebook! #
  • @hundreddollar what type of things are you looking for a “youtube app” to do? #
  • @ericlitman I guess it’s about time for me to start using an actual blog editing tool instead of editing directly in my browser #
  • @hundreddollar there’s a youtube app: – if you do a search for “youtube” on facebook it will give you several options #
  • @jasonalba congrats! #

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Twitter Updates for 2007-12-18

  • Trying to get through 406 rss feeds #
  • @hundreddollar what’s the address to your entrepreneur story facebook page? It’s not coming up in a search. #
  • Per @josephscott, WordPress recently hit 2 million blogs. Digg him up!: #
  • @susanreynolds you’ve taken Twitter by storm (of peas!). Good luck on your Cancer surgery on Friday. We’re praying for you. #
  • @scobleizer, @chrispirillo, @all you should add peas to your Twitter avatar in support of @susanreynold’s breast cancer surgery on Friday. #
  • Everyone please join the cause to support @susanreynold’s Cancer surgery this Friday: #
  • More on SNAPlic8 (my Social Media Consulting business) becoming #
  • New Leopard Security update just released – updating, crossing my fingers that things don’t keep getting worse… #
  • @hundreddollar do you have a Facebook “Page”? Or is it just the group? #
  • Yay – all night and Leopard didn’t crash! I think this new update I did last night may have fixed my DNS problems. #
  • @jasonalba – (not sure about the daddy thing), but you’re the man! #
  • @susanreynolds I decorated my blog in support of your surgery this Friday: #
  • ack! I can’t use the letter “t” in snitter! This new version seems buggy. (not sure if it’s AIR or Snitter) #
  • It’s getting way harder to get through all my Google Reader rss now that all my friends’ (including Scobles) shared rss is appearing with it #
  • @TheDruidXpawX you need a Santa hat (and peas!) in your avatar to foster that cheer on Twitter #
  • loving the Facebook mobile feature that list cell phone numbers – it’s my new personal rolodex! #
  • @steverhode:, also #
  • @jrockway that’s my Christmas present request for this year – crossing my fingers! (And congrats!) #

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