jessestay, Author at Stay N Alive - Page 88 of 105

Susan Reynolds, Blogger, Soon to be Cancer Survivor


I don’t know Susan Reynolds very well, other than our occasional chats on Twitter. She found me, actually, following me for my updates on BYU Football Games. I know she is a huge Ohio State fan, and she has been very vocal on Twitter. She is also very involved in Second Life. Overall, I think she is a very impressive lady I’d love to get to know better.

On December 6, 2007, Susan Reynolds found out she had Breast Cancer. It has been amazing to read her blog, and her Tweets as she goes through this ordeal. She is a trooper, that’s for sure.

For those unaware, my Grandmother died of Breast Cancer when I was about 12. Ironically, she was born on December 5th, just a day before Susan’s diagnosis. My grandmother was diagnosed several years before her death, overcame it (sort of) several times, but in the end, it took her. She was one of the greatest ladies I knew, early to bed, early to rise (my sister’s middle name is “Dawn”, named after my Grandmother because they were born on the same day), gave birth to 12 children (and raised them well!), always walked several miles each morning even in her old age, and loved every one of her 50+ grandchildren – I still have the sweater she knit for me when I was young, something she did for all of us. She too, was a trooper, and an amazing lady. I feel an obligation to show my support for Susan because of this, and hopefully encourage and inspire others to show their support.

This Friday, Susan is going in for surgery for her Cancer. In support, Twitter followers everywhere are showing their support by including peas in their avatar graphic on Twitter (Susan started it with a (clean) picture of her icing up her bruised areas with a package of peas). You can see mine in this post. If you use Twitter, and would like to show your support, please do so by editing your avatar, and notifying me in the comments (or just add me on Twitter). I’ll make sure Susan knows you support her. Let’s keep Susan in our prayers and show some support through our Twitter avatars!

You can follow Susan’s Cancer treatments through her blog at:

Twitter Updates for 2007-12-17

  • Trying to catch up from being gone – so much going on! #
  • Meeting with my biz partner to plan the week #
  • Everyone’s avatar on Twitter has peas in it now – what happened while I was in L.A.? #
  • My Social Media Consulting Agency, formerly SNAPlic8, has a new name. The new name will be “Social Optimize”. Launch Announcement coming.. #
  • @kg4jbj well in that case I need to get some peas in my avatar! #
  • @windley what’s the call-in number? #
  • @windley, thanks for the CTO tele-breakfast! Sorry I came so late. #
  • @ThomAllen I was having the same issue in L.A., but it’s working fine now. #
  • @susanreynolds this one’s for you… #
  • On my way to see andy sernovitz speak in sandy, ut #

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Twitter Updates for 2007-12-16

  • Just decorated my brothers car before he leaves the wedding reception #
  • In the long beach airport – can’t check in for another hour πŸ™ #
  • My parents flight to Boston just got cancelled. Its a mad rush to get flights here at the airport. #
  • @hooeyspower thanks for your thoughts! I should be fine getting to Salt Lake City, but my parents might be stuck in JFK tonight. #
  • First published Catalyst (MVC Framework) book available in stores now: #
  • Tagging photos from the wedding for Facebook – want to add an extra feature to your photography business? Facebok tagging’s the perfect way #
  • Everyone’s connection at this airport all of the sudden came to a crawl as I upload wedding photos to Facebook πŸ™‚ #
  • Looks like some flights to Chicago are delayed today as well #
  • Looks like salt lake flight is delayed for 20 mins… #
  • Flight heading off now. Looks like I’ll be in slc around 3. #
  • L: salt lake city, ut #

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Twitter Updates for 2007-12-14

  • L: burbank, ca #
  • @ericlitman you should tell Mike to buy – it’s just a squatter right now #
  • @ericlitman ouch! Too bad – they’re losing out on a big opportunity there… #
  • Just got an invite from Amazon to join their new “SimpleDB” service – @jeffbarr you just may make me an evangelist #
  • Are any of my Twitter followers in L.A.? Anyone want to get together today? #
  • wow – Twitter down all day Saturday – couldn’t they do it in the middle of the night like most professional online companies? #
  • Headed to universal studios then Hollywood for a photowalk – anyone want to join me? #
  • watching water world spectacular at universal studios #

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Twitter Updates for 2007-12-13

  • working on the last chapter of the book – how do you use Facebook daily? Contact me if you’d like to share in the book… #
  • For some reason @chrispirillo’s Ustream inspires me when I play it in the background while I write. #
  • Lol – is Apple copying @jasonalba and me?: #
  • Well, ‘night friends – headed off to the airport to go to LA tomorrow at 4am… #
  • Waiting at the salt lake airport for my flight #
  • L: long beach, ca #
  • sitting in Long Beach Airport, finishing the last few paragraphs of the book, waiting to meet my parents when they fly in at 11:30 #
  • l: long beach, CA #
  • @susanreynolds and they have wifi to boot! #
  • Mark this date and time – the “I’m on Facebook — Now What???” book is officially finished, in the Long Beach Airport in Sunny Southern CA #
  • The cutest little old Thai lady is running the little airport snack shop here – having fun speaking Thai with her. #
  • Have all my East Coast friends gone out and stocked up on groceries? I miss those mad rushes from Richmond, VA before the snow… #
  • @TheDruidXpawX they were one of the first Facebook apps written – they’ve got some really cool stuff, definitely a run for some of Adobe’s $ #
  • anyone else able to send Tweets from their mobile phones today? I’m receiving but can’t send #
  • @jordanlee1 must be my tmobile connection in l.a. #
  • @octalmage mostly via the Internet – places like amazon #

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Apple Continues its non-Innovative Approach

In the spirit of an older post of mine, in this rather humorous ad by Apple, they continue to prove they aren’t innovative by copying the name of the book my co-author, Jason and I are writing (and Jason’s previous, “I’m on LinkedIn — Now What???” book featured recently in Money Magazine):

Twitter Updates for 2007-12-12

  • Heading off to the Utah social media dev garage #
  • @newspapergirl yuck! Well you should stay home and rest #
  • at the Utah Social Media Dev Garage with @jeffbarr – 28 people here so far! #
  • @robertmerrill would you like my seat? #
  • @robertmerrill – wait, you’re right in front of me. I thought you were saying you were in the hall #
  • @davidlaplante you’re welcome πŸ™‚ #
  • Great Social Media Dev Garage guys! Thanks for coming, and joining in “the Social”. Thanks @jeffbarr for such a great presentation. #
  • Writing blog entries about last night’s event (anyone have anything they want me to include in the Google Code blog for my guest entry?) #
  • @scobleizer congrats and good luck on your next venture! #
  • Bebo launches new platform – “100% compatible with Facebook platform”, supports OpenSocial too. Nice!: #
  • @robertmerrill it was good to have you there! #
  • more big news coming up if a deal I’m working on comes through… #
  • Google makes first initial commit to shindig, making it possible for new sites to start hosting OpenSocial apps: #
  • @biznickman enjoyed your last post on allfacebook. I see you’re coming to terms with my thoughts on LinkedIn being a big announcement πŸ˜‰ #
  • just got an email from a recruiter wanting me to take a job, asked how they found me, they answered “We spotted you on Monster back in 2006” #
  • Facebook opening up their platform – I agree with @biznickman – this is huge! – #
  • The Facebook platform opening is big for existing Facebook developers and those that want to build their network from the ground up. #
  • Open Social will still be utilized by other platforms that compete with Facebook though, bringing developers to both worlds. #
  • My opinion? Facebook may still be forced into using OpenSocial. #
  • @biznickman do you think MySpace or the other big 5 will actually consider using Facebook’s platform to build their platform off of? #
  • @robertmerrill I’m referring to the top 5 social networks – #
  • @biznickman you’re right about Bebo. LinkedIn probably won’t, Orkut won’t, MySpace won’t – that leaves a lot of developers using both #
  • @biznickman the other option is the competing networks needing to incorporate some of both platforms to compete #
  • @biznickman that’s a great point. Google is still way behind on the backend. I hope they would consider both. #
  • @biznickman I was wondering the same thing – interesting that both announcements came the same day #
  • Google guest post sent off to Google. Now to write on my own blog. Still need to finish last chapter of the book! #
  • @utah what was the name of the guy that has the binary 2008 countdown? #
  • Stay N’ Alive’s blog review of last night’s Social Media Dev Garage Mtg: #
  • “Facebook Stalkin'” – thanks @jasonalba!: #
  • @ericlitman we’re just going to miss each other. I’m heading to LA tomorrow. #
  • @biznickman good luck on the Social Times event! Wish I was still back in Virginia so I could attend. #

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Twitter Updates

You’ll notice I’ve started posting all my Twitter updates on a daily basis. The whole Twitter concept came about as a form of “mini-blogging”. It’s a great way to blog as you go throughout the day. Since I don’t always have time to write entire blog posts, I’m posting my Twitter posts, which often include great links I find, new news I come across, and my opinions on news as it is happening. Of course, if you want to get it as it’s happening, follow me on Twitter!