Twitter Updates for 2007-12-22 - Stay N Alive

  • The guys at Qik should donate @susanreynolds a Nokia to run Qik on. #
  • just 12 more followers to 150 followers on Twitter #
  • These guys are clients of mine – be sure to sign up for their beta!: #
  • Trying to survive running a business and being home alone with the kids #
  • @ThomAllen I haven’t been there, but there used to be one on 5400 S just West of Redwood near the nursery. Not sure if its there still… #
  • @MarinaMartin how does that work? Who gets equity? I’d love to do something like that in Utah – I’d like to learn more… #
  • @MarinaMartin thanks for the link and info #
  • okay fellow Christians, I’m teaching Sunday School tomorrow, and need some ideas other than the normal Luke story to share about the sto … #
  • Looking forward to the only other BYU game this season (Vegas Bowl) to be broadcast in HD. #

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