Twitter Updates for 2007-12-18 – Stay N Alive

Twitter Updates for 2007-12-18

  • Trying to get through 406 rss feeds #
  • @hundreddollar what’s the address to your entrepreneur story facebook page? It’s not coming up in a search. #
  • Per @josephscott, WordPress recently hit 2 million blogs. Digg him up!: #
  • @susanreynolds you’ve taken Twitter by storm (of peas!). Good luck on your Cancer surgery on Friday. We’re praying for you. #
  • @scobleizer, @chrispirillo, @all you should add peas to your Twitter avatar in support of @susanreynold’s breast cancer surgery on Friday. #
  • Everyone please join the cause to support @susanreynold’s Cancer surgery this Friday: #
  • More on SNAPlic8 (my Social Media Consulting business) becoming #
  • New Leopard Security update just released – updating, crossing my fingers that things don’t keep getting worse… #
  • @hundreddollar do you have a Facebook “Page”? Or is it just the group? #
  • Yay – all night and Leopard didn’t crash! I think this new update I did last night may have fixed my DNS problems. #
  • @jasonalba – (not sure about the daddy thing), but you’re the man! #
  • @susanreynolds I decorated my blog in support of your surgery this Friday: #
  • ack! I can’t use the letter “t” in snitter! This new version seems buggy. (not sure if it’s AIR or Snitter) #
  • It’s getting way harder to get through all my Google Reader rss now that all my friends’ (including Scobles) shared rss is appearing with it #
  • @TheDruidXpawX you need a Santa hat (and peas!) in your avatar to foster that cheer on Twitter #
  • loving the Facebook mobile feature that list cell phone numbers – it’s my new personal rolodex! #
  • @steverhode:, also #
  • @jrockway that’s my Christmas present request for this year – crossing my fingers! (And congrats!) #

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