jessestay, Author at Stay N Alive - Page 6 of 105

Adobe Disrupts Enterprise Collaboration With New Tool for Marketers

Enterprise collaboration is quickly becoming the future of communication within the enterprise. Using tools like Yammer, employees have been able to collaborate between themselves on internal “social networks” where links, photos, and information could be shared. Now we see tools like SalesForce Chatter which attempt to turn employee communication and collaboration into measurable results. Enterprise […]


Help Me Sell My New Book – Get Free Stuff!

Who wants to help me promote Google+ Marketing For Dummies? I need volunteers to share my new book, now available on Amazon ( in the best way they are able. This can be through an ad that stays on your blog for a month, a mention to your audience as many times as possible over […]


Moving Forward From My "Mormon Moment"

As some of you may be aware, I have spent the last, almost 3 years, helping to grow Social Media in what some have perceived as very much a pioneering role for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Consulting for them for years before, I started just over a year after Barack Obama […]


Microsoft is Finally Achieving What it Set Out to Do With Passport – the Key is Consistency

Back in the year 2000, before “the cloud” was even a marketing term, Microsoft launched a product known as “Passport”, a product touted to be the end-all-be-all of identity services that developers could integrate into their products for identity and storage of personal information. I remember because I was a developer at that time and I recall looking […]


Switching to Windows 8? Better Not Get a Fitbit.

I’m currently using the Windows 8 Release Preview, and so far I’m impressed! Thus far I’ve had very few issues and really love the new interface (formerly named “Metro”). I’m very excited for the final version to be shipped to me by Microsoft. However, there’s one thing that consistently hasn’t worked for me on Windows […]


DressCode – the "Suit Guys" That Come to You

I wrote previously of my fitting by DressCode, my new “suit guys“, that made me a custom-tailored suit and put me in tip-top fashion amongst my colleagues. They came to my house (they’ll also come to your office), measured me, and within a couple weeks I was wearing a top-quality suit that in traditional tailors […]


Android is Finally "Enough", but I Still Miss My iPhone

I’ve written a few times on this blog about my trials with Android and dissatisfaction with devices under Google’s operating system. The fact is, lack of consistent experience because Google doesn’t own the experience, means they will likely never have a leg-up on the experience iOS gives users, considering Apple controls and owns the entire […]