Come Get Your Books Signed! I Want to Meet You! - Stay N Alive

Shaking handsI hate shameless self-promotion, but this is one opportunity I get to do such.  I hope you bear with me.  For those of you at BlogWorld Expo, I’d like to meet you in person if you’ll join me for a book signing from 3-4pm Pacific near the BlogWorld Expo Bookstore today (October 16, 2009).  The Bookstore has copies of both my books and I would be happy to sign any books you purchase while you are here.

Even if you don’t want to purchase a book, please stop by and say hi!  I want to meet each and every one of you.  Let’s talk about the Building Blocks of the new Web and about Facebook Connect and Twitter and Google’s OpenSocial and FriendConnect, and maybe we can learn a little from each other.  At a very minimum I’ll get to meet you face-to-face and hopefully we can build a real-life relationship out of that meeting.

For those that stop by, I may even do a random book giveaway of my FBML Essentials book while I’m there.  Please, please come stop by and say hi while you’re out here.  This is my chance to meet you!

What do YOU think? Let us know your thougts below!