- Nothing like fixing the car in the freezing cold #
- I’m off to the Utah geek dinner at Taj India – save me a seat! #
- @jeffbarr thanks! They all say hi. 🙂 #
- @rebeccastay do you want me to pick you up some? #
- @jasonalba and I are looking for a subtitle for our book, “I’m on Facebook — Now What???” Do you have any suggestions? #
- Using Social Networking to translate your website – I love this idea!: http://snurl.com/1vxq6 #
- @scobleizer have you seen this?: http://tinyurl.com/ytn9cj #
- @scobleizer I’m *way* behind on my rss! Gotta catch up. #
- which do you like better for Blog editing on your Mac?: Ecto or MarsEdit? Any other recommendations? #
- @sashib on their developers mailing list they said their hosting facility they just got moved off of is having issues #
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