- Just found a pic of the computer I learned to program on – oh the memories! #
- Having fun with @jrockway’s new Catalyst book that I got for Christmas #
- Just 3 more Twitter followers to 150! #
- Utah Geek dinner tonight: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/349538/ #
- Shame on Twitter for not providing authentication tokens in their API – they require you pass a user’s plaintext username and password #
- Shame on Nintendo for only allowing WEP on the DS – does anyone care about security these days? #
- @janole that still doesn’t give me a secure way to store a user’s twitter authentication on my servers #
- Woah target already has valentines day candy #
- beware – any application you enter your twitter username and password on that isn’t Twitter is storing your Twitter password in PLAIN TEXT #
- Of course, that is the only option I’m left with on my app 🙁 #
- @barl0w for my DS, I think what I’m going to do is set up a separate, non-secure subnet for things like this #
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