Are you a Mormon or hold Mormon values, and a User? We’ve added a few more features to that you will like then. The first is a new field in your profile called “Digg User ID”. At the moment this is only visible to you – we will be updating this in the future to be visible to everyone so they can not just find you on, but on as well!
Now, here’s the second, and best part. Go into your Profile, click “modify”, and add your digg user id. Within the next hour you will notice under “Digg Submitted Stories by Members” and “Digg Voted Stories by Members” it now imports all the stories you have submitted and voted on! Now you have a one-stop shop to come in and view all your Mormon (and similar-valued) friends’ articles on Digg. Click on the link, and it takes you back to Digg to vote on the story your friends on voted on or submitted.
This is just the start. Expect in the future to automatically add friends in Digg when you add friends on Expect to be able to see the number of Digg votes directly on here! The possibilities are endless! So get on, set up an account, and add your Digg username to participate in the and community!
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