Twitter – Page 17 – Stay N Alive

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-10

  • Trying to figure out why a new Amazon EC2 instance won’t let me set up Software RAID (I’m following the Amazon tutorial!) #
  • why won’t “fdisk /dev/sdb” work on my EC2 instance? It keeps giving me an “Unable to open” error, yet the tutorial tells me to do it! #
  • @humancell you’re right, I don’t. I’m an idiot. πŸ™‚ However, I do have /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2, and I get the same when I “fdisk /dev/sda” #
  • I wonder if the EC2 small instances don’t support software raid? #
  • I need a Fedora-based AMI that comes with software RAID pre-setup #
  • @humancell, yes – that works. I wonder if I just need to go about it that way, rather than targeting a whole device #
  • @humancell whoa – that’s weird. I could, but now I can’t any more. Now it says it’s unreadable again. #
  • pounding my head on the desk #
  • frak! Amazon small instance servers DO NOT support software RAID. Starting to think that ec2 may not be my best solution – no good backup. #
  • that was about 20 hours down the drain… #
  • My suggestion – get a cheap hosted solution, mount RAID to an S3 virtual drive, and then setup large ami instances on Amazon to be ready #
  • @petdance -> #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-01-07

  • Sitting down in the office, getting ready to watch “Deal or No Deal” #
  • Simpsons was a classic tonight #
  • so do I have to have silverlight installed to use “ZuneSocial”? #
  • omg! Microsoft has reinvented iLike! #
  • @petdance lol! #
  • does sync come with the cameraman? #
  • I want voice on my iPhone – I miss that from my MDA #
  • lol – Bill Gates is playing GH3! #
  • much less excited about Microsoft this year than I was last year – what happened? #
  • Las Vegas needs to hop on the Twitter bandwagon – if one person wins $1k and Twitters all their friends, can you imagine the onslaught? #
  • @ladanea lol! I’d still wear pants – just not Christmas ones πŸ˜‰ Actually, I like my Christmas pants. #
  • What are your favorite WordPress theme sites? #
  • @libel_vox how did Laura get into CES? I’m so jealous! #
  • @LauraMoncur you’re famous! Great to see you on qik. #
  • @jptrenn do you have a url? #
  • @jrockway rub it in why don’t you? πŸ˜‰ It’s like 20+ degrees here in Utah. #
  • My new blog design is up: #
  • @akula I’m such a geek! πŸ˜‰ #
  • I’m off to bed – night guys! #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-01-06

  • Want to follow all those that follow you like @scobleizer and @guykawasaki and @chrispirillo? Announcing
  • @QueenofSpain are you still looking for a way to automatically follow those that follow you? #
  • follow the CES podtech bus!: #
  • @MarinaMartin it will follow *everyone* who is, or will ever follow you. #
  • @marinamartin all I ask in return is that you tell your friends! πŸ™‚ #
  • @MarinaMartin yes, this is *much* easier than installing my script #
  • @MarinaMartin let me know if you want me to blacklist any usernames – the functionality is there, I just don’t have a UI for it yet #
  • @MarinaMartin I’ll set a goal to have the UI for that this week. I’d also like to add a few other features if I have time. #
  • anyone have a good suggestion for livestreaming directly from my blog? I want to post a widget that users can see me when I have it on. #
  • @humancell is there a web service out there that hosts it for me? #
  • and mogulus both allow live streaming, but don’t provide widgets to stream outside their own website #
  • @humancell I’m looking for a free service like or mogulus, but I want the video embedded on my own blog #
  • @octalmage, @acmephoto, how do I go about embedding that? Any suggestions? Just look at the source and replace ids? #
  • @octalmage excellent! Thank you! #
  • @juliaroy Happy Birthday!!! #
  • @QueenofSpain sign up at and it will do it for you. #
  • I need to redesign my blog some time – it’s *way* cluttered #
  • on ustream, how do I get it to stream another channel when my channel isn’t working? #
  • @octalmage, correct – when pirillo is gone, he is somehow able to turn it over to another stream #
  • @octalmage okay – I can probably hack it if I ever need to – just thought there might be a feature. #
  • look at me! I”m live – left sidebar of my blog: (forgive my messy hair) #
  • @jasonalba I’m giving free advertising of your book on my stream πŸ™‚ #
  • wow – you can really see my bald spot in this video πŸ™‚ #
  • @humancell I found code on their show page. @octalmage helped me out. #
  • wow – I have 4 people watching me – this feels so weird. #
  • I think I’m going to keep the video on and see if @rebeccastay complains. Just have to remember to keep my clothes on in the Basement. #
  • @octalmage yup – that was you twittering me πŸ™‚ #
  • you can chat in here (I’ll try to add the chat somewhere in my blog too): #
  • “The Ask Jesse Show” it is – anyone have any questions they want to ask me? πŸ™‚ #
  • @jasonalba night! #
  • Wondering when everyone else on Twitter is going to get their own TV channel #
  • How I created my own Blog TV Channel: #
  • @mlwhall it’s so needed, yet so many more things to do ahead of a redesign! I hear you there! #
  • @mlwhall me neither! Just a little html and css, with a good pre-existing WordPress template will often do #
  • @ladanea night! That just gave me an idea – live reading of THE BOOK via ustream #
  • pilot light in the heater went out last night – it’s freezing! #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-01-05

  • just hacked my router to dd-wrt and upped the power. Let’s see if that fixes my range problems. #
  • The wind outside sounds a lot like it did in VA when Isabell came through #
  • @jrockway I loved your comment on my blog – I agree totally πŸ™‚ #
  • This is a pretty cool “pay for viewing ads” system – Pirillo made $1000 yesterday from it!: (use that link an … #
  • announcement on coming tonight (hopefully). Stay tuned!… #

Powered by Twitter Tools. β€” Your Companion to the Social Web

I’ve been working on a little side project lately, that I think will solve a lot of the headaches caused by lack of certain features in the Social Landscape. In the spirit of the book Jason and I are writing, my company, is announcing the beta launch of What is it? It is intended to be a companion to the Social Web – the features you can’t find in the social landscape you will find here. Will it replace your Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn or Plaxo account? Probably not, but it will make your experience in those Social Networks much better and compliment that experience.

Over the coming weeks (I have a strong release early, release often policy), you’ll see new features launched on the site that will make your Social experience better. The site is still very basic, but as a taste of what’s to come, for all those that sign up now we’ll enable auto following of all those that follow you on Twitter. Within the next week we’ll add the ability to blacklist those that follow you (so it doesn’t follow them). Soon after that we’ll add statistics, better bulk operations on your followers and following, and many more features. Soon we’ll start to incorporate Facebook data, linking your Twitter account with your Facebook account. After that, maybe Plaxo, or MySpace, or LinkedIn. These are all ideas of where we’re going with this.

So, I encourage all to register to find out what’s to come. Again, all those that register with their Twitter username and password will be automatically given auto-follow capabilities on their Twitter account! Keep following here and I’ll update as we progress.

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-04

  • I like having my GrandCentral Call Me button on my site – it’s fun talking to my readers every so often in person #
  • @susanreynolds I’d say a couple times a month – I just got one, thought it was really cool. It’s kind of my personal tech support and s … #
  • We’re Catholic broke the 30,000 mark on Facebook, with 31,000 users, and growing #
  • @octalmage I’m Mormon, running a meta-network of religious applications on Facebook. On Facebook, I’m Christian. πŸ™‚ #
  • @octalmage, I also run “We’re Baptist”, and I also started an “LDS App”, which I have since sold to an LDS Foundation #
  • @octalmage I’m also hoping to work on a Jewish app, and maybe even an Islamic app. I’m studying up on those religions first. #
  • @octalmage, as far as I’m concerned, each religious app belongs to that religion, and will maintain the culture and beliefs of those faiths #
  • @newmediajim you should follow @trippfenderson who works for Media General down south of you #
  • @guykawasaki is about to start following every person that follows him – just got him set up, and I think it’s working #
  • No one tests their Twitter libs on more than 100 friends or followers – had to fix several bugs in Net::Twitter to get it to work with h … #
  • @chrispirillo is also about to start following everyone that follows him – I’ll announce the site that is doing this here soon #
  • @guykawasaki start watching your Following number -it’s slowly going up right now #
  • @guykawasaki just wait until I add statistics, better blacklisting features in there (I”m thinking something like akismet) #
  • @guykawasaki, btw, I got Twitter to remove their quota of 70 requests / hour for you so hopefully it should follow all within the next hour #
  • @guykawasaki ha! I didn’t think of it that way – shows the spirit between the two networks. #
  • @guykawasaki I just hope this doesn’t trigger some bot in Twitter’s system like it did in Facebook’s #
  • You know, Twitter could build a business model just out of selling Twitter-branded schwag #
  • If you use my Twitter auto_follow script, you’ll need to patch Net::Twitter if you have over 100 friends: #
  • Follow up to my previous post on the Zed comment, and why I think Rails users are proving Zed’s point: #
  • @armandoalves as long as I’m not a Decepticon! πŸ˜‰ #
  • @guykawasaki is now officially following more people than are following him πŸ™‚ Now that’s a great Twitter citizen! #
  • @chrispirillo is soon to follow – my script should finish processing @guykawasaki here very shortly and move on to @chrispirillo #
  • @scobleizer it follows those that are following you, but you aren’t following. #
  • @scobleizer some people Twitter blacklists, which might be why they are in non-follow mode #
  • I think my blog is getting slammed right now – might have to pull out another EC2 instance here to handle the traffic #
  • @scobleizer: #
  • @chrispirillo want something entertaining to do? Whatch your “Following” number on twitter go up as you refresh the page πŸ™‚ #
  • @benoitcazenave welcome! #
  • fading fast – if I get 8 hours of sleep, that means I wake up at 12pm! #
  • Now I’ve got recruiters both contacting me to work for them, and to work for me – some of these guys need to do their research! #
  • Happy that Twitter didn’t disable @guykawasaki’s account for the script I was running for him to follow all of his followers πŸ˜‰ #
  • @alexdc the script has a blacklist for that. Also, after you get above 1,000 followers how can you possibly have a life and manually follow #
  • @alexdc every big name on Twitter with over 2,000 followers is using a script to auto-follow. At least they are listening to you now. #
  • anyone know of a good tutorial on setting up a wireless router as just a range extender for an existing router? #
  • @humancell perfect – thanks! Since there is no Wireless N extender I bought an extra N router and hope to use WDS to extend #
  • Finalizing edits on the FB book before sending back to the publisher. Lee Lorenzen is Forewarding, followed by a Superstar Afterword TBA! #
  • You can follow us on our Facebook Page for the book at #
  • hehe – comment from our editor in the manuscript: “What does ‘pwn’ mean?” (it’s a quote from an app description we were showing) #

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Patches to the Net::Twitter script for all followers and friends

As I was testing my auto follow script for Twitter and helping Chris Pirillo (see the comments in the link above) get his set up, I realized it wasn’t working for him. After a ton of hacking around, going through all aspects of the auto follow script, and Net::Twitter, I realized there was an undocumented (it’s now partially documented) feature in the Twitter API which states that a page must be specified with a “friends” or a “followers” request. I noticed that Net::Twitter was not checking for paginated results on these requests, therefore I’ve created a patch to make that possible. You can download that patch here (after installing Net::Twitter):

Just patch (usually in /usr/lib/perl/site_perl/5.8.8/Net/ with the above file (after un-gzipping it), and you should be set.

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-03

  • Is there a way to incorporate Google Notes with Google Reader? I’d love to include a note with why I shared an item in Reader. #
  • anyone else getting spam from Doba again from the Guy presentation here in Utah? #
  • @loiclemeur what is Patrick from Google’s Twitter ID? I’d love to get him out to Utah for one of our Social Media developers meetings #
  • Fixing bugs in Net::Twitter (undocumented Twitter API features) – will send them to maintainer when done. #
  • @al3x does the followers API call require a page number as well, or does it return all followers in one call? #
  • Some things I learned about Twitter and how they treat spam today: #
  • GlobalNerdy thinks I’m funny: #
  • @scobleizer sorry to hear about your Facebook account – is Facebook stupid??? Sounds like they need to know who their customers are. #
  • @jordanlee1 click on “profile”, then copy the url. #
  • @scobleizer it sounds like Facebook has an automated script that reads the logs, and sends out those notices if it detects someone scraping #
  • Wishing I got up as early as @rodneyrumford, @scobleizer, and the others so I could have been in on the rush. Bloggin now… #
  • @jasonalba, while not his intention, I bet his traffic is through the roof right now #
  • Why Plaxo execs need a copy of our book: #
  • My opinions of the whole @scobleizer Facebook controversy: #
  • @windley interested to hear your reasons for why it’s not a replacement for traditional web hosting #
  • Wow – my Perl blog post has people up in arms – I feel a follow up post coming #
  • I feel privileged that Andy Lester corrected me though – he is one of the reasons I think Perl has a reason to step up with the Rails outcry #
  • on the phone with a client, brainstorming some really cool ideas for their product #
  • @jasonalba cognizant? #
  • @jasonalba – having fun trying to understand? #
  • @royblumenthal – I hope she feels better! That’s been going around our house as well. #
  • @jasonalba do I get a pool or spa too since I wrote a book with you? #
  • tempted to create the shirt, “I do it in 140 characters or less” #
  • Trying to figure out this Twitter API – Net::Twitter for Perl doesn’t fully follow it #

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Twitter Development and Follow Blacklists

I’ve been playing with a new site lately that will be doing some integration with Twitter (more about that later). I realized the other day that several people that were following me, but I wasn’t following, weren’t being added to my friends list with my Twitter auto follow script.

I researched the issue, and realized that while the API calls were being made, and Twitter was responding as though I was now following them, when I would go back to the Twitter UI it would show up as myself not following them still.

For those unaware, there is a Twitter Development Google group that you can subscribe to to discuss Twitter development. The Twitter devs follow this group and openly answer questions about Twitter development. I mentioned my problem there, and after some going back and forth to convince them there was a problem, they responded.

It turns out that Twitter actually has their own Blacklist internally. If you try to follow too many people within a short time you can easily, at least temporarily, get blacklisted from anyone following you, or you following anyone else. This is why my API calls were not working on some individuals – at the API level Twitter acts as though they are being followed, but in the end they aren’t. The Twitter devs said they are working on a better blacklisting system for the future, and will expose the API to that when it becomes available.

So, for those holding out for ability to blacklist spammers on Facebook, it could be coming soon! It also brings comfort that Twitter is also taking measures to combat spam.

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-02

  • Our “I’m on Facebook — Now What???” book has a Facebook page! Become a fan for updates: #
  • @ericlitman thanks for the add! #
  • @ericlitman I’ve got a tool that when launched will create a database of those follow spammers #
  • @dacort, or, you could try: sudo perl -MCPANPLUS -e ‘install Date::Calc’ πŸ˜‰ #
  • My disagreement with @jasonalba and why I think Facebook Mail is good!: #
  • @libel_vox thank you! I feel very honored! I just hope I can live up to your expectations πŸ˜‰ #
  • @libel_vox is there an rss feed for #
  • @libel_vox – nm, I found it. It’s just not in the site header so wasn’t apearing in my url bar for Firefox. #
  • Look – I made #5! (thanks @libel_vox): #
  • @jrockway – this is your opportunity!: (this is \me, btw) #
  • Anyone want to add me as a friend on Google Reader? Either shoot me an e-mail or request to chat: #
  • cool – @guykawasaki bottom-posts his e-mails. His geek factor just went up for me πŸ˜‰ (thanks @guykawasaki) #
  • welcome @trippfenderson, a former co-worker from Media General in Richmond, VA. @newmediajim, @ericlitman, @biznickman be sure to follow! #
  • did you know you can get blacklisted by Twitter by trying to follow too many people in a short time period? #
  • Not just that, but the Twitter API acts as though their not blacklisted – you try to follow them through the API, and it returns friend info #
  • Apologies, but I’m not going to put anybody doing SEO work on our API
    whitelist. Nothing personal, but SEO translates to “spam” in my book. #
  • That was from a Twitter developer to me when I was trying to get on their API whitelist to do some testing with my application #
  • SEO isn’t even my specialty! (but is for my company) #
  • @dacort that’s what I’m going to have to do – hack around the problem to get it to work. I’m trying to provide a free tool and Twitter’ … #
  • @dacort are you on the twitter-development-talk google group? #
  • @dacort be sure to check out my latest discussion #
  • Kudos back to the Twitter developer – he admitted he assumed wrongly and apologized. #
  • mmm..just made myself a meatball sandwich. That was good! Trying to decide if I should make another. #
  • Just found the perfect use for the Facebook Friends Grouping feature: #
  • @codybob also see – that one I wrote. Has a few bugs ATM that I’ll fix soon though. #
  • @codybob the difference between sustaind and is that I contributed several modules to Pligg, and am still giving back to them #
  • sweet! Now recruiters are coming to me to try and work for me, rather than trying to hire me. I love being an entrepreneur! #
  • 22 fans for “I’m on Facebook — Now What???” – become a fan here: #
  • @ashbuckles you should try the iLike plugin for iTunes #
  • @QueenofSpain as soon as I work out the bugs with Twitter’s dev staff, I’ve got a solution for you #
  • Just received the Forward from our superstar Forward author (see our Facebook Page for a hint)! I’m stoked! #

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