Twitter – Page 16 – Stay N Alive

Prologue – OpenSocial for Twitter

Just today, Matt Mullenweg, founding developer and owner of Automattic, announced a new, open source, theme for WordPress called Prologue. The theme essentially turns your blog into a “mini-Twitter”, with a “Whatcha up to?” text box at the top where your users can post what they are currently doing. This is an excellent way to build community on a site, just for your own users – it will be interesting, as cell phone networks open up, to see if there will be ways to integrate “mini-communities” such as this onto users’ cell phones. I also anticipate someone writing some sort of Twitter plugin that integrates with this theme, and I’d love to figure out a way to use this theme in conjunction with my current theme so I can add this as a link to my current blog.

The theme has been released as Open Source, completely free, under the GPL. The release of this reminds me very much of Google’s OpenSocial initiative, of which they are releasing platform code, very similar to the way Facebook’s platform works (Facebook is a very closed platform currently), for anyone and everyone to load onto their own blogs as they wish. Basically, you can “create your own Twitter” with this code they are releasing!

Joseph Scott, a very good friend of mine, was one of the writers of this and he’s going to give me a demo this Thursday – I’ll post a video of it when I’m done (unless someone wants to buy me an N95, which I’ll post live via!). Matt Mullenweg will also be in town this Saturday and meeting with local bloggers and social media advocates – if I can make it work, I may try some video of that as well.

Pownce – Why it May be Worth Considering

I’m very surprised that Twitter is not trying to compete with Pownce. As some of you may know, Pownce recently went out of beta, and opened their platform to anyone interested in joining. For awhile, I wasn’t much of a proponent for Pownce, but just recently, I’ve decided to give Pownce a try and see if it could be a good alternative to Twitter.

The last time I tried Pownce, I was unaware of Twitter – to me, Pownce just didn’t make sense at the time. Why would anyone need another way of sharing things with their friends? Isn’t that what a chat client is for?

It wasn’t until today, when I wanted a way to share a song my brother’s band did with friends, I realized Twitter just didn’t fulfill my need. You see, with anything but text updates, you have to go to an external website, upload the file, then post an external link to that file, photo, or video for others to see.

Pownce took care of that issue for me. With one integrated client, I was able to upload the file I wanted to share, and boom – it was available to all my friends to not only click, but play directly from the Pownce client! Not only that, but I opened up on my iPhone, and I was able to play it right on my iPhone, without having to download the file! Pownce supports most file types, as well as links, and events, as well as plain status updates like Twitter.

The other thing that I thought I may complain about, which Pownce has, is ads. Because Pownce supplies users with its own client (they do have an API – I’m sure there will be other clients available in the future), they are able to provide users with inline ads, separate from their updates, right in the client. Honestly, I kind of feel this is somewhat comforting – from these I know my update service has an actual revenue model. There’s organization among the chaos, and I know my update client will be around for awhile longer. We complain when there are ads, but honestly, I think this is a flaw that will catch up with Twitter – the unknowns of how Twitter will make money are making the community ask questions.

So, now that I’m on Pownce will I move away from Twitter? For now, no – Pownce needs an SMS option before I completely switch. There’s something to say about having my phone make an SMS sound every time I get an @ reply or a direct message. Also, Pownce does not yet support tracking – this is an extremely valuable tool on Twitter! I also have a great network on Twitter. For now, I can see myself having both Pownce, and Twitter open – I’m really hoping the missing features of Pownce are taken care of, and my network also gradually moves over so I can take advantage of this great service! You can find me on Pownce at:

Social Media at Sundance

On Friday as I attended a few talks of the University Venture Summit, during which I met quite a few people that use Twitter.  Amazingly, I think Twitter is really starting to become the communications medium for Entrepreneurs.  I t may be catching on a little more in the Geek and development community lately, but with as strong of a networking potential as it provides, I believe the Entrepreneurs have grasped it much faster than the rest of the world.

As I followed a few of these new visitors to Utah, I started to notice some of them were using a new term, prefacing “sundance” with #, seeming to direct their Tweets to those at Sundance.  In IRC world (I often term Twitter as IRC 2.0), #sundance would mean the sundance channel.  So I decided to track the term “sundance” on Twitter as the Sundance festival went on in Utah last weekend and throughout this week.  Wow what a new view of Sundance I received!

I soon learned of a Tweetup some of those at Sundance were having.  I decided it might be worth driving up to Park City to meet some of the non-Utah Twitters visiting town, so I drove up with Charlie Oliver (@charlieoliver on Twitter) to see what all the hype was.  It was there that I met with Sperling Reich (@sperling on Twitter), Justin Keller (@justinkeller on Twitter), and Colleen Coplick (@colleencoplick on Twitter).  Justin works for Cha Cha, a social search service very similar to Mahalo.  They were handling a service as a sponsor of the Sundance Film Festival which helped visitors, tourists, and Stars figure out what’s going on, where to find things in town, and more.  I heard someone Twitter this week that Quintin Terantino is in love with their service after this week!  Colleen is a Social Media Consultant and PR expert, and she was doing photography and PR for the festival.  Sperling is working on a new site (sorry Sperling – don’t remember all the details!) of some sort which tracks screenplays behind films, along with other film-type technology.

Over the weekend and during this week, through Twitter, I’ve learned that there was a Facebook Party, a MySpace party, a MySpace cafe (I heard over Twitter they give good swag!), and a few others like that.  I heard where Seal was.  I heard where several other stars were hanging out.  I heard how people up in Sundance were taking the death of Heath Ledger.

I’ve never seen so much from a birds eye view of the festival!  It’s amazing the role that Social Media is taking in these festivals and conferences.  I must try to track the places I’m in or near from here on out on Twitter.  I will definitely be going to the Festival and be more involved in it next year after this – the Sundance Film festival is now truly a “Social” event!  Now, I want to know why Twitter (the company) didn’t have a presence there!  Their users certainly were.

WordPress “Socialize Me!” Plugin Connects Your Blog

I’ve recently been looking for better ways to connect my blog into the social sphere.  I feel the easier my readers can connect with me, talk with me, ask questions, etc., the more personal my blog becomes.  You’ll notice I’ve added some pretty little icons to the right that show the networks I belong to and, if you’re on them, you can meet me there.  I will be adding more as I create new icons.

Today I came across a nifty new WordPress plugin from the guys at blah, blah! technology called Socialize Me!.  Socialize Me! collects your user names and profile urls from about 20 to 30 different social networks, and then detects if the users visiting your WordPress blog belong to those social networks.  If so, with some code you insert into your WordPress template, a message appears to those users notifying them that you also belong to their social network, inviting them to come visit you.

I have thus far been unsuccessful in testing this – I can’t tell if it’s because I already belong to the social networks, or if I’ve entered in the wrong information.  If you visit the Stay N’ Alive blog and see a message inviting you to visit me on any of my social networks, please let me know in the comments below.  You can try the plugin yourself at:

Twitter Opens Their Messaging Platform

Today, in the first post on the new Twitter Technology Blog, Alex Payne announced that Twitter is releasing their underlying messaging platform, which they call, “Starling”, to the community. From the announcement it appears Starling is the basis for handling all communication underneath Twitter, speaks memcached, and reminds me in some ways of Perl POE, for Ruby. This is the development baby of Twitter, a great move by the new head of Engineering for Twitter, and a great benefit to the development community! Twitter is starting to remind me very much of Google in its philosophies, starting with a core technology, focusing on that, then figuring out monetization after the fact, all while giving back to the community. Way to go Twitter!

Twitter Needs Amazon AWS

TwitterIt’s no secret that Twitter has its hosting flaws. It was all over the ‘net this morning that the Apple Keynote Killed Twitter. Since Twitter doesn’t seem to announce its outages well, I’ll help them out a little here and tell you why they went down.

I follow the Twitter Developers Group on Google, and one of Twitter’s head developers (I believe), Alex Payne, explained the situation:

“We seem to be up at the moment, but we had a flood of traffic around
the MacWorld Keynote this morning. No surprise, of course, but since
we couldn’t move data centers earlier this month we don’t have many
machines to throw at the increased load.

In the meantime, I’ve drastically increased the API rate limit and
disallowed unauthenticated requests to the API. This is temporary,
and once our load decreases later today things will be back to where
they used to be.

Thanks for your patience, and enjoy the Apple fanfest! “

“but since
we couldn’t move data centers earlier this month we don’t have many
machines to throw at the increased load.” Alex – you guys really need to consider having a few Amazon AMIs on hand in cases like these! It would have taken you about 5 minutes to have a copy of your current servers up on Amazon in the flood of Apple traffic were that the case. Twitter just got a round of investment a few months ago. This would be a great (and cheap!) use of that investment!

It appears Twitter is back up to normal, although it seems a few things are still trying to catch up.

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-14

  • Just realized there’s no place to put links on a Facebook Page – that’s frustrating! #
  • it’s way hard to boycott Techcrunch when all my Google Reader friends are sharing Techcrunch feeds with me 😛 #
  • lol – NBC must be desperate to do a whole special just for award announcements. Won’t they make more money posting it on the internet? #
  • “Why are we not funding this???” – Peter Griffin #
  • @libel_vox ah – those poor advertisers! #
  • How do you charge your clients for maintenance? Hourly? Part of the project? #
  • okay – now that my servers are all back online, my apologies to those that requested skitch invites. Please re-send requests to my e-mail. #
  • On Leopard and having connection issues? Enable G-Only on your router, and use WPA Personal-AES and your problems will go away. #
  • Wireless N, based on support forums on has *huge* issues in Leopard, with no fixes yet. #
  • Looks like I’ll be going to the Graphing Social Patterns Conference coming up (assuming my wife doesn’t have the baby) – who’s going? #
  • @humancell it’s March 3-4 in San Diego #
  • We should do a blogger bus from Utah 🙂 #
  • @petdance I don’t think she’ll have the baby until mid-end of March so I think she’ll be safe having the baby instead of someone else 😉 #
  • @humancell – ah come on! I’m risking missing my baby being born. Surely you can miss your wedding! 😉 #
  • @humancell, of course, I haven’t discussed it with @rebeccastay yet. I may be the pig too 😛 #
  • so, if Netflix is trying to compete with Apple, why can’t I use their “Watch Now” feature on my Mac? #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-01-12

  • Lots of articles like these today: #
  • @Afrowhitey ouch! What are you going to do now? #
  • @AfroWhitey get on IM when you get a chance. I’d like to get your blog back up. #
  • “Ask Jesse” Cam is back up at #
  • my 3 year old is logging into the computer all by himself on camera right now #
  • ordering Dinner and Cake from cheesecake factory mmm… #
  • @expecting_rain I’m not sure – last I checked it was close to 2 hours wait. For pickup it’s only about 25 minutes curbsite-to-go. #
  • Scratch curbside to go at cheesecake factory being 20 mins. You have to wait 20 more mins after u get here #
  • @biznickman I love that Dave & Busters! Man I miss VA/DC/MD area. #
  • Wondering how my 84 year old grandmother got on Bebo #
  • @susanreynolds, @conniereece I wish I could convince my mom to be on Facebook! #
  • Just added the Bebo developer app – woohoo! I’m a Bebo developer now! #
  • need to modify the WWW:Facebook::API for Perl to work as WWW::Bebo::API now. #
  • Bebo has much better categories than Facebook does for its apps. There’s an actual “charities” category. #
  • just secured the app names “latterdaysaints”, “catholics”, and “baptists” on Bebo #
  • @petdance are you atl500? #
  • @petdance added #
  • Anyone (biznickman?) know if there is any API and developer documentation for the Bebo development platform yet? (other than Facebook :-P) #
  • Are Pink and colored iPhones to come at MacWorld?: #
  • Look at me! I’m a Bebo Developer!: #
  • How we used Facebook Notes to sync with our Facebook Page( #
  • so am I a sap if I like “My Best Friend’s Wedding?” #
  • @hundreddollar that’s what I love about it! Finally, a movie where she doesn’t break up the good, existing relationship! 🙂 #
  • didn’t realize @leolaporte broadcasts his KFI show on Hi @leolaporte! #
  • I think Apple is releasing solid state Macbooks at MacWorld – they had a patent several years ago for that #
  • @kdumont you can chat with him in irc – #techguy #
  • w00t! After one year I finally convinced Microsoft to give me the $22 they owe me. 🙂 #
  • what’s going on with gmail right now? Can’t get it to send e-mail. #
  • Does anyone know a network admin that does freelance in the Boston area? My brother, @Afrowhitey is looking for one. #
  • @MarinaMartin it’s nice to see you back on rss – I’ve enjoyed your rss shares on google reader #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-01-11

  • Just realized FC7 has rpms for Catalyst! That makes my job *so* much easier! #
  • Happy that I’m the only one in my family who likes the almond hersheys bars from @AfroWhitey’s wedding. #
  • Ecstatic that @rebeccastay got me both regular and Cherry Pepsi at the store! (I love my Pepsi) #
  • Expect for a *lot* of Facebook applications to go down in numbers!: #
  • Sorry, just have to share this – this is article is very unclassy of Crunchgear and how they make fun of Mormons: #
  • @biznickman the great thing about the Bebo launch is it’s very simple for a Facebook developer to port their app over #
  • @biznickman any clue on demographics for Bebo? What are the largest countries using it? age range? #
  • @biznickman a few hints here: #
  • finally! Stay N’ Alive blog is back online! I tried to do it right this time, hence the wait: #
  • @humancell I would, but my day is full of meetings (yuck!) #
  • considering registering for #
  • @phil801 I was just about to write a blog post as well – very unclassy, I don’t care who they were making fun of! #
  • @phil801 the thing is, I was backing off from mentioning my religion on my blog, but they just gave me a reason to that fits with my theme #
  • @phil801 I would have too – it’s unacceptable #
  • is Mike Arrington on Twitter? #
  • @TechCrunch what were you thinking in posting blatent bigotry on your “respectable” gearcrunch blog? I know many Mormons unsubscribing now. #
  • sounds like I need to make some posts on the LDS Apps on Facebook – the number of Mormons on Facebook rival that of Catholics, based on … #
  • I bet I can get those on the Catholic App (35k users) to rebel against @TechCrunch’s actions as well #
  • Not to mention that if I say the word Mormon on Twitter, other Mormons on Twitter will talk about this post: (track) #
  • @phil801, @TechCrunch see my comment on the blog #
  • forget my backup strategy – I’m blogging now 😛 #
  • @libel_vox – I’m turning my other cheek, from TechCrunch #
  • My answer to @TechCrunch ‘s CrunchGear bigoted Anti-Mormon fiasco: #
  • Facebook’s announcement tonight and why I think it will mean more productive applications: #
  • Digg up the story for anti-bigotry in America: #
  • Join the “Boycott Techcrunch” group on Facebook: #
  • @ByteEngine also also #
  • @ByteEngine thanks for adding me! #
  • w00t! Just got my free O’Reilly books! 🙂 #
  • @petdance – they chose for me, so don’t laugh – “Learning the UNIX Operating System” and “C# Essentials”. I still like books, so hey – … #

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