- Our “I’m on Facebook — Now What???” book has a Facebook page! Become a fan for updates: http://tinyurl.com/2cqs9g #
- @ericlitman thanks for the add! #
- @ericlitman I’ve got a tool that when launched will create a database of those follow spammers #
- @dacort, or, you could try: sudo perl -MCPANPLUS -e ‘install Date::Calc’ 😉 #
- My disagreement with @jasonalba and why I think Facebook Mail is good!: http://snurl.com/1wc4v #
- @libel_vox thank you! I feel very honored! I just hope I can live up to your expectations 😉 #
- @libel_vox is there an rss feed for codeaway.org? #
- @libel_vox – nm, I found it. It’s just not in the site header so wasn’t apearing in my url bar for Firefox. #
- Look – I made #5! (thanks @libel_vox): http://voxpopdesign.com/wordpress/?p=104 #
- @jrockway – this is your opportunity!: http://tinyurl.com/ytkjea (this is \me, btw) #
- Anyone want to add me as a friend on Google Reader? Either shoot me an e-mail or request to chat: [email protected] #
- cool – @guykawasaki bottom-posts his e-mails. His geek factor just went up for me 😉 (thanks @guykawasaki) #
- welcome @trippfenderson, a former co-worker from Media General in Richmond, VA. @newmediajim, @ericlitman, @biznickman be sure to follow! #
- did you know you can get blacklisted by Twitter by trying to follow too many people in a short time period? #
- Not just that, but the Twitter API acts as though their not blacklisted – you try to follow them through the API, and it returns friend info #
- Apologies, but I’m not going to put anybody doing SEO work on our API
whitelist. Nothing personal, but SEO translates to “spam” in my book. # - That was from a Twitter developer to me when I was trying to get on their API whitelist to do some testing with my application #
- SEO isn’t even my specialty! (but is for my company) #
- @dacort that’s what I’m going to have to do – hack around the problem to get it to work. I’m trying to provide a free tool and Twitter’ … #
- @dacort are you on the twitter-development-talk google group? #
- @dacort be sure to check out my latest discussion #
- Kudos back to the Twitter developer – he admitted he assumed wrongly and apologized. #
- mmm..just made myself a meatball sandwich. That was good! Trying to decide if I should make another. #
- Just found the perfect use for the Facebook Friends Grouping feature: http://snurl.com/1weh6 #
- @codybob also see http://www.came2pass.com – that one I wrote. Has a few bugs ATM that I’ll fix soon though. #
- @codybob the difference between sustaind and came2pass.com is that I contributed several modules to Pligg, and am still giving back to them #
- sweet! Now recruiters are coming to me to try and work for me, rather than trying to hire me. I love being an entrepreneur! #
- 22 fans for “I’m on Facebook — Now What???” – become a fan here: http://snurl.com/1wej5 #
- @ashbuckles you should try the iLike plugin for iTunes #
- @QueenofSpain as soon as I work out the bugs with Twitter’s dev staff, I’ve got a solution for you #
- Just received the Forward from our superstar Forward author (see our Facebook Page for a hint)! I’m stoked! #
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