Twitter Updates for 2008-01-11 – Stay N Alive

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-11

  • Just realized FC7 has rpms for Catalyst! That makes my job *so* much easier! #
  • Happy that I’m the only one in my family who likes the almond hersheys bars from @AfroWhitey’s wedding. #
  • Ecstatic that @rebeccastay got me both regular and Cherry Pepsi at the store! (I love my Pepsi) #
  • Expect for a *lot* of Facebook applications to go down in numbers!: #
  • Sorry, just have to share this – this is article is very unclassy of Crunchgear and how they make fun of Mormons: #
  • @biznickman the great thing about the Bebo launch is it’s very simple for a Facebook developer to port their app over #
  • @biznickman any clue on demographics for Bebo? What are the largest countries using it? age range? #
  • @biznickman a few hints here: #
  • finally! Stay N’ Alive blog is back online! I tried to do it right this time, hence the wait: #
  • @humancell I would, but my day is full of meetings (yuck!) #
  • considering registering for #
  • @phil801 I was just about to write a blog post as well – very unclassy, I don’t care who they were making fun of! #
  • @phil801 the thing is, I was backing off from mentioning my religion on my blog, but they just gave me a reason to that fits with my theme #
  • @phil801 I would have too – it’s unacceptable #
  • is Mike Arrington on Twitter? #
  • @TechCrunch what were you thinking in posting blatent bigotry on your “respectable” gearcrunch blog? I know many Mormons unsubscribing now. #
  • sounds like I need to make some posts on the LDS Apps on Facebook – the number of Mormons on Facebook rival that of Catholics, based on … #
  • I bet I can get those on the Catholic App (35k users) to rebel against @TechCrunch’s actions as well #
  • Not to mention that if I say the word Mormon on Twitter, other Mormons on Twitter will talk about this post: (track) #
  • @phil801, @TechCrunch see my comment on the blog #
  • forget my backup strategy – I’m blogging now 😛 #
  • @libel_vox – I’m turning my other cheek, from TechCrunch #
  • My answer to @TechCrunch ‘s CrunchGear bigoted Anti-Mormon fiasco: #
  • Facebook’s announcement tonight and why I think it will mean more productive applications: #
  • Digg up the story for anti-bigotry in America: #
  • Join the “Boycott Techcrunch” group on Facebook: #
  • @ByteEngine also also #
  • @ByteEngine thanks for adding me! #
  • w00t! Just got my free O’Reilly books! 🙂 #
  • @petdance – they chose for me, so don’t laugh – “Learning the UNIX Operating System” and “C# Essentials”. I still like books, so hey – … #

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