With all the attacks against Mormons and other groups, I have been wondering why anyone could be against Prop 8 and support the people behind the no campaign – I was actually somewhat a supporter of the anti-Prop 8 campaign until my faith began to be attacked for supposedly not allowing me to support what I was indeed supporting. As a Mormon, I just couldn’t stand for the attacks against my faith and videos like this one. Because of that I’ve been on the defensive, perhaps supporting more of the pro-8 campaign than I would have originally felt comfortable with doing. However, finally, perhaps the anti-prop 8 crowd is getting it as this awesomely tactful and funny Anti-Prop 8 video has surfaced on Funny-or-Die. Like it or hate it – you can’t go wrong with Jack Black or Mr. Doogie Howser himself!
I introduce to you, “Prop 8, The Musical”:
[swfobj width=”464″ height=”388″ classid=”clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000″ flashvars=”key=c0cf508ff8″ allowfullscreen=”true” quality=”high” src=”http://player.ordienetworks.com/flash/fodplayer.swf” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”]
To the No on 8 campaign and all those protesting my church – Let’s find more positive ways of promoting this campaign. Hopefully we’ll see much more of this in the near future.
Good one, Jesse; I like it too and agree that there were a lot of scary lies and fabrications floating around during the election. I am pretty passionate about this whole thing, and am on the 'No' side for reasons that go much deeper than religion (as a Libertarian, I oppose laws that open the doors to discrimination against myself, and believe Prop 8 sets a dangerous precedent). The video is a bit sassy, and is clearly making points that will not resonate with the far right crowd. It also doesn't address ALL the issues that the far right is concerned about, but fun nevertheless.
I understand your points, Cary. You do have to admit regardless of
position, it's much more tactful than that Mormons breaking into homes
taking away marriage licenses video. I wish we could see more like this.
Good one, Jesse; I like it too and agree that there were a lot of scary lies and fabrications floating around during the election. I am pretty passionate about this whole thing, and am on the 'No' side for reasons that go much deeper than religion (as a Libertarian, I oppose laws that open the doors to discrimination against myself, and believe Prop 8 sets a dangerous precedent). The video is a bit sassy, and is clearly making points that will not resonate with the far right crowd. It also doesn't address ALL the issues that the far right is concerned about, but fun nevertheless.
Good one, Jesse; I like it too and agree that there were a lot of scary lies and fabrications floating around during the election. I am pretty passionate about this whole thing, and am on the 'No' side for reasons that go much deeper than religion (as a Libertarian, I oppose laws that open the doors to discrimination against myself, and believe Prop 8 sets a dangerous precedent). The video is a bit sassy, and is clearly making points that will not resonate with the far right crowd. It also doesn't address ALL the issues that the far right is concerned about, but fun nevertheless.