Current Projects Archives - Page 5 of 5 - Stay N Alive

Fingerprint-based Home Entry On a Budget?

We have a couple doorknobs in my house that I need to replace here soon. I’d like to replace them with a fingerprint-based system. Preferably, I’d like one that can send authentication to a computer via network and let the computer determine who has access and who doesn’t. WIFI is definitely a plus, but I […]



I just realized I had a ton of comments awaiting moderation. In switching to WordPress lately, I didn’t realize I had moderation turned on. In noticing I wasn’t getting any comments lately, I went and checked, and sure enough, there were over 50 comments awaiting moderation. My apologies to those who commented to get no […]


Are You a Mormon? Are You a Digg User?

Are you a Mormon or hold Mormon values, and a User? We’ve added a few more features to that you will like then. The first is a new field in your profile called “Digg User ID”. At the moment this is only visible to you – we will be updating this in the […]


Email_Latest Pligg Module

As promised, I’ve created a Pligg module that will allow users to “sign up” for Pligg pages. Right now I’ve only finished the “sign up” part. You will need to create your own cron script that interfaces with the notifications table, and integrate it on your own into the user profile page if you want […]


Search Engine Positions for

I was looking at Google’s Webmaster Tools, and found some entertaining search queries, of which I’m appearing on the front page for: [yaol]( position 6 [wii store availability]( position 6 [compare and contrast vista and xp]( position 4 [target inventory wii]( position 6 (my favorite) [mantis eating a mouse alive]( position 3 (can’t find it […]


How to Create Modules in Pligg

As I mentioned earlier, for I had promised any changes to the site would be submitted back to the community for other Pligg administrators to use. I have had several ideas of new functionality for Pligg, of which I am developing. You can expect those in the coming months. Pligg actually makes it really […]


New servers

I’m on a new server at now. They have great RoR support, something I’m trying to learn right now with one of my businesses. Server response time should be much better now. Stay tuned for some reviews of some of my purchases I’ve bought lately that I’m putting together.