Paying it Forward - Stay N Alive

Paying it Forward

present-3066432Based on my last post I know you commenters and readers are out there.  My last post was all about me.  This post is, quite sincerely, about you and I hope I can see the same response from my commenters as I did that last article – I really mean that.  The Blogess recently wrote an incredibly heartfelt post that really inspired me.  If you haven’t read it yet, please go over there, read it, then read the comments for the article, which are the best part.  Because of one sincere offer by The Blogess to offer free gift cards to her readers, people are coming out of the woodwork, sharing such touching stories of poverty, need for this season, daughters who plea for their laid off fathers, wives who just want some groceries this season.  I admit I cried a little when I read it.  I realized I owe it to my readers to share, at least a little of what I have to those of you in need.  I’d love to see a Techmeme meme around other bloggers doing the same – we owe it to each other.  These are tough times.

I’m going to do the same thing as The Blogess.  I am definitely not wealthy, and I have a family of 6 (soon 7) to pay for this Christmas, but I want to give at least what I can of the good fortune I have.  I do feel really blessed, and a lot of that is because of you.  If you and your family are in difficult circumstances this Christmas, please let me know and I’ll give a $30 Amazon Gift Certificate to 3 of those who seem worst off in the comments.  If you don’t want to reveal your name, please use a fake one (I use Disqus, but you can create a fake Disqus profile – if anyone has difficulty with that please email me).  Just use your real email address, which no one but me sees, and I’ll email you the $30 Amazon Gift Certificate, no questions asked.

A lot of you are really in need this Christmas.  This is the best thing I think I can do at the moment – I know it’s not a lot, but I do feel like I need to pay it forward.  At the same time, if you, my readers would like to donate to any of those in the comments in need, please let me know in the comments (again, including your email), and I’ll arrange to have your gift sent to those who have needs.  Let’s help each other out this Christmas.  The economy is dismal at the moment.  I know many of you are struggling.  Please, let me, and my other readers help.

If you share any blog post of mine I beg you to share this one.  This, to me, is one of the most important posts I’ve ever written, and it’s my gift to you.  Please retweet it, share it on Facebook, Google Reader, or tip it on Techmeme. Please do it for those in need.

How will you give up your Christmas?

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13 thoughts on “Paying it Forward

  1. Jesse, I'm writing this for my 18 year old grandson who has been homeless in Missouri. He has finally paid off his court fines and can leave, so I'm buying him a $400 ticket to come here for Christmas. Taking care of 4 other grandkids I don't really have that available but it is important to me, but it leaves me nothing to give him for Christmas. No one wants to ask for charity, that's why, I'm sure, you have no other comments, but I know my grandson would appreciate it. He's ashamed to come home because he's done some things he's not proud of, but I'm trying to teach him that this is exactly the reason for the season.
    Aunt Judi

  2. Jesse, thank you for your kind and generous heart.
    I'm writing for my 18 year old grandson, who has been homeless in Missouri. He finally, today, paid all of his court fines and can leave and come home, so I am buying a $400 ticket for him to come here for Christmas. With four other grandkids living with me I really can't afford it, but God blesses us when we do what is important to do, and this is very important. But it leaves me with nothing to give him for Christmas. The gift card would be something that I know he would appreciate very much.

    It's hard to ask for “charity,” which is why, I am sure, you don't have any other comments here. But I appreciate your desire to pay your blessings forward.
    Aunt Judi

  3. Aunt Judi, this is touching – I didn't realize your grandson's situation. Please feel free to ask me for help any time (and you can do so in private even if you like) – again, I don't have a lot, but I always want to help. I'll shoot you an email offline.

  4. Sorry, when I didn't see it post right away I thought it didn't go through and did it again. I'm not to great with all of this stuff:) Thank you for your reply. I'll watch for your email.

  5. One year when I was a kid, we couldn't afford Christmas presents or a tree… I don't think we could afford a Christmas dinner. We were sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves when my mom got the amazing idea to gather up things we had that we loved (my stepdad's weight bench that he barely used, stuffed animals my brother and I were getting too old for), wrap them up in wrapping paper, and ding-dong-ditch people from our church family who were even worse off than we were, leaving the gifts on their doorsteps.

    We went around to quite a few homes that night, and hearing the kids and parents in those other families rejoice over their gifts was the best Christmas present I've ever had.

    Bottom line: It's always better to give than to receive, and people who are blessed and know it, like you and me, Jesse, absolutely get the biggest kick out of being able to give to others. You've inspired me yet again. =) Thank you!

  6. Life certainly hasn't been easy since my husband retired (due to health reasons) from military service after 29 years, but my preference would be to have a little money so I could do something for someone else. $30 won't fix the hole in our bathroom ceiling or replace the roof. We don't even have the resources for Christmas gifts for our family of 5 (including 3 autistic young adults). No, I'd usee the gift card to pay it forward and make an afghan or quilt for my sister who was widowed a year and a half ago. This is the first Christmas she feels alone. She doesn't know who she is as an individual since she's always been a wife and mother. I don't suppose the gift card could be for Joanns or Walmart so I could buy yarn for the afghan.
    As for leaving my name … why wouldn't I? There's no shame in going through tough times.

  7. Jesse, I have a brother and sister-in-law who have been hit hard by the recession. My brother's business failed, they had cars repossessed, and they have just barely been able to make their house payments. My brother has been able to find employment at a much lower income. My sister-in-law was also working but broke her foot (at work) and it is not healing. She's been off work for about a year.

    This couple have a daughter and son currently serving in the mission field, three married children (all temple marriages), and four grand children (two were born this year). They're currently driving a VW Micro bus from the '70's and eating mostly what the Lord provides.

    I'd be eternally grateful if you'd consider helping them. My husband and I are helping whenever possible but the recession has hit us hard, also.

  8. Just wanted to say that I think what you're offering here Jesse is a great thing. It's not the amount that matters, it's the paying it forward message that counts. I'm very lucky to be able to say that we are going quite well at the moment – probably the best financial situation we've been in for some time as my husband has finally picked up regular work. We're in country Australia and I don't think the financial problems are quite so pronounced here as in the US. I wish all the people on here all the best wishes. I'm going to take a gift into Kmart wishing tree on Monday as my way of paying it forward. Keep smiling everyone!! (Oh and I loved Jolie's story of ding-dong-ditch!!) Louise

  9. Thank you for thinking of others and paying it forward.I am blessed with a job ,family,food and a roof over my head.I want for nothing I do what I can put some in the kettle,some extra food to the food bank,couple toys for toys for tots.Money wise its tight but a few extra here and there can help so many.If you can please do ,thanks again for paying it forward

  10. Jesse, I have a brother and sister-in-law who have been hit hard by the recession. My brother's business failed, they had cars repossessed, and they have just barely been able to make their house payments. My brother has been able to find employment at a much lower income. My sister-in-law was also working but broke her foot (at work) and it is not healing. She's been off work for about a year.

    This couple have a daughter and son currently serving in the mission field, three married children (all temple marriages), and four grand children (two were born this year). They're currently driving a VW Micro bus from the '70's and eating mostly what the Lord provides.

    I'd be eternally grateful if you'd consider helping them. My husband and I are helping whenever possible but the recession has hit us hard, also.

  11. Sorry, when I didn't see it post right away I thought it didn't go through and did it again. I'm not to great with all of this stuff:) Thank you for your reply. I'll watch for your email.

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