Twitter Updates for 2007-12-17 - Stay N Alive

  • Trying to catch up from being gone – so much going on! #
  • Meeting with my biz partner to plan the week #
  • Everyone’s avatar on Twitter has peas in it now – what happened while I was in L.A.? #
  • My Social Media Consulting Agency, formerly SNAPlic8, has a new name. The new name will be “Social Optimize”. Launch Announcement coming.. #
  • @kg4jbj well in that case I need to get some peas in my avatar! #
  • @windley what’s the call-in number? #
  • @windley, thanks for the CTO tele-breakfast! Sorry I came so late. #
  • @ThomAllen I was having the same issue in L.A., but it’s working fine now. #
  • @susanreynolds this one’s for you… #
  • On my way to see andy sernovitz speak in sandy, ut #

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