Some Google Glass Explorers Getting "Mysterious Package" as Early As Tomorrow


In the Google Glass community one Google Glass Explorer posted a rather interesting note today:

“I just got a notification from UPS that I have a package sent by Google X to be delivered on Weds. Anyone get something similar? I didn’t see any posts about it. It looks very similar to the original random package for the GRID paperweights.

I already got my Glass about a month ago from pickup at LA so I’m pretty sure it’s not that. IO Explorer but didn’t go to Foundry.”

This note was followed by confirmation by several other Glass Explorers saying they got the same. It appears that some Google Glass Explorers (I have not gotten a notification)  are getting notifications from UPS saying that they are getting a package from Google X, the group at Google that originally started Google Glass.

I have wondered what types of “surprises” Google might have in store for those that forked over so much money for the devices. Could Explorers get free versions of the new Glass product? Could they be getting another plaque similar to the piece of Glass with their number on it which they got at Google I/O? Could Glass Explorers be first in the running for new Google products?

Google has been known to ship products for trial to select groups of people. I got a Logitech Revue with Google TV on it this way. Google has also shipped out Chromebooks to developers to try out in the past. I’m curious if Google could be doing the same with Glass Explorers.

It will be interesting to watch and see what the Explorers end up getting. I’ll either post here, or on my Twitter feed at when these Glass Explorers find out! If you’re part of the community you can go follow the conversation here.

UPDATE: Abraham Williams on Google+ is saying his is scheduled for delivery tomorrow, and it’s about the weight of a Nexus 4. A white edition?

UPDATE #2: I just got my notification from UPS – see a screenshot over on Google+:

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