I’m proud to announce that as of this week I am going to be writing Google+ For Dummies, Portable Edition. This follows my last Dummies book, Facebook Application Development For Dummies, and will go back to my original roots (through the book I wrote with Jason Alba, I’m on Facebook–Now What???), writing easy to understand books that help people new to social networks understand how to make them productive and useful environments. It will be one of the very first books on Google+ produced by a major publisher.
Google+ For Dummies, Portable Edition will begin as a short, easy to read e-book, and expand to a print version shortly after. We did this instead of a full Dummies book because of how new Google+ currently is and its likelihood to change in the short term future. It will cover everything currently available to Google+ (and anything they release in the next month or so), and I hope to bring out the best tips, tricks, and little known secrets about the service in a jam packed, easy to read, 150 or so pages. It will likely have many more editions and will eventually compliment a much larger Dummies book on the topic.
Please stay tuned to my Google+ feed, my Facebook Page, and this blog and I’ll keep you updated on release dates and more. We hope to launch this in the next month!
In the meantime, please like the book’s Facebook Page to get updates on the launch, or you can just follow me over on Google+!
What do YOU think? Let us know your thougts below!