img_1366-6465342I love Twitter for its variety.  In many ways it’s a lot like my favorite programming language Perl, whose mantra is “There is more than one way to do it.”  Some people choose the messy, spaghetti code way, while others choose nicely formatted, object-oriented way, even taking it to the extent of protecting it further with libraries like Moose.  On the web I can do basic, old-style CGI, or take it as far as a full MVC structured framework using Catalyst (if you don’t know anything about what these are that’s okay – just know that they’re good, and well structured).  Perl has both a good and bad reputation because of this, and I like it that way.  I like it the same way I like Twitter – there’s more than one way to do it.

That’s why I get so bugged when I see so many people trying to tell me how to write my Twitter stream.  Some say I have to have multiple accounts to organize the data.  Others say I can’t run ads and my content can’t be promotional in any way.  Funny thing is most of those people are promoting something of their own, whether they admit it or not. Personally that doesn’t matter to me.

What matters to me is that I can use Twitter the way I want to.  I can write everything in one stream if I want to, or I can run ads if I want to (which actually, I just signed up for yesterday to see what it was all about – no one has purchased anything yet though so no worries there, if there ever were any in the first place).  I can be profane if I like (but generally I prefer not to, just like real life).  I can even retweet the way I like to.  The cool thing about Social Media is we all have our own purposes and our own ways of doing things and when we do such we use the best tools for the job.  The great thing about Twitter is that it allows us to do such.  I use Twitter the way I use Perl, however I want to and what works for me – and I get criticized in the same manner.  There will always be a critic of the way you use Social Media, just like there is always a critic of how I write Perl.

And I’m okay with that.

The fact of the matter is I’m interesting because I’m ME.  Hopefully you follow me because of that.  If I advertise it’s going to because that’s something I think will help pay for me to be me, and it will always be some sort of reflection of myself.  If I don’t advertise it’s because I don’t think that’s necessary.  If I separate my content into multiple accounts it’s because I want you to find out different bits of information about me in different ways.  If I keep it all in one stream that’s because I think that’s the best way of learning who I am.  If I retweet it’s for my own reasons, not anyone else’s.

I think we get way too caught up in what we think is the best way that works for us, and thinking others should do the same.  What works for me will not always work for you or the next guy.  What works for Chris Pirillo or what works for Chris Brogan will not always work for Robert Scoble or Leo Laporte or someone else.  We are all unique, and that’s what makes Social Media a beautiful thing.  Social Media is all about how you receive, not about how other people give.  Receive well, and you will give much.  Social Media is all about ME. And you. And him. And her. It’s about connecting Individuals, which individuals are not the same.

And if you don’t like that concept, I’m okay if you unfollow me.  After all, there’s always more than one way to do it.

22 responses to “Twitter – TIMTOWTDI”

  1. Ari Herzog Avatar

    What's funny is you are focusing this entire blog post about Twitter when you can substitute that WORD with any other word and it still works. If you want to chew bubble gum, if you want to ride your bike, if you want to walk outside without combing your hair… it's you. Once you stop being yourself is when you stop living.

  2. jessestay Avatar

    Funny, huh? Some make it out to sound like you couldn't do it any other way.

  3. Ari Herzog Avatar

    What's funny is you are focusing this entire blog post about Twitter when you can substitute that WORD with any other word and it still works. If you want to chew bubble gum, if you want to ride your bike, if you want to walk outside without combing your hair… it's you. Once you stop being yourself is when you stop living.

  4. jessestay Avatar

    Funny, huh? Some make it out to sound like you couldn't do it any other way.

  5. Adtweety_com Avatar

    Hi Jesse,

    You are spot on. When it comes down to it people have the option to opt-out just like they have the option to turn the channel. We all have free-will nobody is forcing you to look at your stream!

    No grant it “in stream advertising” isn't for everyone and is highly un-proven to be effective just yet! but we at think we can “push” the message a long with some sort of incentives via RT. I wrote some thoughts on it on our blog here : I look forward to hearing how this all plays out and great blog post!

  6. Jesse Stay Avatar

    That would be an interesting model – if you could find a way to also give
    credit to those that retweet your message, giving a little commission to all
    those involved in the click or conversion, I think you could be onto
    something. Maybe a partnership with TwitPay or something where people can
    go and “claim” their money if they choose to.

  7. Adtweety_com Avatar

    Exactly, there would be down line so to speak where each is giving some sort of incentive to keep the message going I suppose “oil in the engine” . Twitter can only do so much ( and yes it is powerful! )as is your engine!

    TwitPay would be excellent fit – as it stands right now people can claim their money at any point with DM to us but to include the downline would be a nice model. So far the data I'm collecting is very,very interesting in the 1st day even. I'll do a blog post shortly as to my results.

    Thanks for the reply!

  8. PERL Motto: “There is more than one way to do it” Avatar

    […] Catch the rest of his post here Like this? Mark to share: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

  9. TwtrCoach Avatar

    Brilliant article Jesse!

    It is actually real interesting reading your article.. and find myself thinking 'why did I not write that myself'..

    Why do we tend to listen when some 'authority' tells us what we actually we should do on Internet.. and then like says find out that they actually do this themselves…

    I'll give retweet of this article..

    Cheers.. Are

  10. Lisa Olinda Avatar

    Nicely said. I think this is why Twitter has become my almost favorite social media platform. I love the spontaneity of it. Earlier I tweeted that I was starving not really thinking that anyone would notice but someone tweeted back inviting me over for some fudge. A little silliness in the course of the day but some fun that I needed at that time. I hear a lot about not tweeting personal things but I believe that is what keeps the humanness in the social media.

  11. Jesse Stay Avatar

    Thank you Are! Most importantly, don't listent to anything I say – build
    off of metrics and conversion, in whatever you're trying to get from each
    Social Network and you'll be successful. There is no right way.

  12. Jesse Stay Avatar

    Lisa, and that is what is bringing great things for you, so do it! For me,
    I've found Facebook is more effective for personal use, along with a private
    account I set up, so I reserve Twitter for more professional posts (as well
    as my Facebook Page at We all have our own ways
    of achieving what we want to get, and we are all right!

  13. Adtweety_com Avatar

    Hi Jesse,

    I find facebook much more personal and twitter more spontaneity like Lisa mention above! once again I agree.

    P.S TwitPay got in touch with me all VERY interesting stuff thx again!

  14. Jesse Stay Avatar

    Adtweety, glad that's working out for you!

  15. PERL Motto: “There is more than one way to do it” | Free Leads On Twitter Avatar

    […] Catch the rest of his post here Copyright © 2009 Twitter Handbook. This Feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this material in your news aggregator, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact [email protected] so we can take legal action immediately.Plugin by Taragana Posted in Making Money On Twitter, Twitter List Building, Twitter Tools, Twitter Training […]

  16. Batman Avatar

    I totally agree. Finding others like minded today, apparently. So, I can do a compilation blog post 🙂

  17. Batman Avatar

    Would rather use the phrase, “There's no wrong way.” Do what works for you.

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  19. Batman Avatar

    Would rather use the phrase, “There's no wrong way.” Do what works for you.

  20. Jesse Stay Avatar

    Adtweety, glad that's working out for you!

  21. Adtweety_com Avatar

    Hi Jesse,

    I find facebook much more personal and twitter more spontaneity like Lisa mention above! once again I agree.

    P.S TwitPay got in touch with me all VERY interesting stuff thx again!

  22. Lisa Olinda Avatar

    Nicely said. I think this is why Twitter has become my almost favorite social media platform. I love the spontaneity of it. Earlier I tweeted that I was starving not really thinking that anyone would notice but someone tweeted back inviting me over for some fudge. A little silliness in the course of the day but some fun that I needed at that time. I hear a lot about not tweeting personal things but I believe that is what keeps the humanness in the social media.

What do YOU think? Let us know your thougts below!