Who's the Lucky Twit? Find Out With Kosmix's New Tool - Stay N Alive

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Kosmix has launched a new tool aimed at helping brands to easily and randomly select people mentioning specific keywords in a short time-frame.  The service, called Lucky Twit, is a slot machine of Tweets enabling you to randomly select winning Tweets by keyword.  The tool was recently used to find winners of my FBML Essentials book at a Twitter developer event I spoke at recently, and is now available to the public.

To make the tool work, just go to http://www.kosmix.com/labs/luckytwit/, enter some keywords in the upper-right that may have been posted to Twitter in the last week or two.  Click the “Reset” button, and your virtual “slot machine” of Tweets will be filled up ready to be randomized.  Click the “Spin” button, and like a slot machine the Tweets matching those keywords will spin around randomly, and the selector will stop at one at a random time, selecting the winner.

Such a simple tool has been very much needed by brands sponsoring contests and giveaways on Twitter, and even live events.  For instance, recently we hosted a contest on SocialToo where we gave away several free accounts to our service.  This service would have made that process much easier.

So give it a try and let me know what you think.  I have no disclosure on this other than I think it’s a pretty useful tool.  In fact, retweet this article, and in the next 24 hours I’ll use the tool to randomly select one person that retweets the article and give them a free, signed hard-copy of my book FBML Essentials.  Get started retweeting now!

Oh, and expect this tool to get used a few times while I’m at BlogWorld Expo next week – follow me on Twitter for updates!

What do YOU think? Let us know your thougts below!