CoTweet Invite Codes - Stay N Alive

CoTweetCoTweet is the ultimate Social CRM for any business looking to get a handle on their Twitter presence. With the ability to assign Tweets, schedule Tweets, add notes, support multiple accounts, and more, CoTweet will solve many of the problems I’ve seen in Corporate environments trying to manage a Social presence. I just did a full review on where you can read more, but for now, on your honor, if you subscribe to, and also subscribe to via RSS and say you did so in the comments and want an Invite, I have 6 invites I’ll be giving out randomly to commenters here, and 6 more I’ll give out to commenters on the article. As I get more I’ll continue to give out invite codes to people who subscribe here.

Let me know what you think!

56 thoughts on “CoTweet Invite Codes

  1. Done, Done, and Done…Good way to grab some subscribers for you & Louis. 😉 by all means feel free to subscribe to my FriendFeed!

  2. I am currently using another twitter manager, but would love to check out and use CoTweet! Hook a brotha up!


  3. Have subscribed two both blogs and have use for an invite !!!

    Will be utilized as a CRM for a Watersports Company with multiple locations and a rapidly expanding web presence.

  4. Done. i just subscribed to your feed in Google Reader and dragged it between louisgray and social abacus. Don't ask. It makes sense to me.
    Would like to check out co-tweet. Any invites left?

  5. I work for a non-profit and have submitted to Co-Tweet for a beta seat. Sadly still waiting. Would love to get an invite. Thanks so much and keep up the great content!

  6. I subscribe through Google reader to both StayNAlie & LouisGray. Really enjoy both Blogs. Any invites left? Cant wait to check out what CoTweet has to offer.

  7. Been waiting on a CoTweet invite to start using it here for my brand SociaLingua (Caribbean) *Jesse* Hope you have more invites. 😀

What do YOU think? Let us know your thougts below!